Fraunhofer IMW

“Research against the Corona Virus!” – ScienceMatch of Saxon research teams.

Saxon State Ministry of Science, Culture and Tourism (SMWK) /

In the ScienceMatch “Research Against the Virus!” scientists presented Corona research projects funded by the Free State of Saxony. Dr. Marija Radic, Head of the Head of the Corporate Development in International Competition Division and Prof. Dr. Heiko Gebauer, Head of the Project Data Mining and Value Creation (both Fraunhofer IMW) presented the research project “RESILIENT - Resilience through Innovation in Saxon Manufacturing,” for which both are responsible, to the online audience of the SMWK event on November 6, 2020.

Scientists from Saxony present their diverse work in a virtual ScienceMatch

The fight against the Corona virus and dealing with the social effects of the pandemic also provides a challenge for scientists in Saxony. In a virtual ScienceMatch, which was also broadcast on the internet, all state-funded projects have now been compactly presented to the public. The broad spectrum ranges from socio-scientific studies on the pandemic in a historical context to medical projects dealing with the detection or the spread of the virus in the population. Saxony can draw from the very broad-based research expertise in the state.

Most of the projects are scheduled to run for several years and are intended to develop solutions that will help to deal better with pandemics like the current one in the future. This concerns scientific foundations for socially relevant decisions, but also specific medical advances in the treatment of patients with infectious diseases.

In addition to presenting projects to the public, the ScienceMatch also serves as a platform for networking and exchange among researchers. The multidisciplinary view of the various research fields regularly brings new approaches and perspectives to light. This often results in the potential for further problem solutions and innovative products. This is also the goal of ScienceMatch.

Minister of State for Science, Sebastian Gemkow, followed the project presentations in direct exchange with the researchers. He said after the ScienceMatch: "I am always impressed by the efficiency of the research landscape in Saxony. This was once again particularly evident in the example of the Corona research projects. They clearly show the social benefit for all of us. The virus has been known for barely a year and we are in the fortunate position of being able to conduct holistic research on it and, as was witnessed today, this encompasses so much more than the development of a vaccine or effective drugs. I am very grateful to all involved for their great commitment and wish the best success in their studies and developments."

The Free State is supporting the research projects with a total of around 16 million euros. Based on a decision by members of the Saxon state parliament, the funding will be provided from Saxony's Overcoming Corona Fund.

RESILIENT - Resilience through Innovation in Saxony's Manufacturing Sector

State-funded research projects on the corona virus