Josephine Schöffel

Josephine Schöffel

Contact Press / Media

Josephine Schöffel

Research Fellow, Business Models: Engineering and Innovation Unit

Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW
Martin-Luther-Ring 13
04109 Leipzig, Germany

Phone +49 341 231039-116

Fax +49 341 231039-9116

Areas of Expertise

  • Business models in the construction industry
  • Sustainability
  • Sustainable construction
  • Building certification

Professional Development

Josephine Schöffel (née Riedrich) has worked in the “Business Models: Engineering and Innovation“ unit since April 2015. Initially a research assistant, she became a research fellow in October 2017. Previously, she worked for Ginkgo Projektentwicklung GmbH in Dresden. Ms. Schöffel completed a master's degree in Sustainability in Macroeconomic Cycles at Mittweida University, specializing in sustainable construction. For the past five years, she has contributed to research and development for the building material carbon concrete in the research consortium C³ – Carbon Concrete Composite, which aims to make construction more sustainable and give rise to a paradigm shift in the building industry.


Current projects


Publication Type
2024 EPH185 How Digital Tools Support a Sustainable Supply Chain in Healthcare: A Scoping Review on the Status Quo of Circular Economy
Teichert, Anika; Bach, Friederike; Schöffel, Josephine; Hädicke, Tim; Kirschstein, Thomas; Zander, Christoph; Vosen, Agnes
Journal Article
2023 Fraunhofer CIRCONOMY® Hub »Stoffkreisläufe im Bausektor«
Gramm, Rafael; Schöffel, Josephine
2022 CARBOrefit® - Strengthening with Carbon Reinforced Concrete - Sustainable, Ressource-Efficient and Durable
May, Maximilian; May, Sebastian; Schumann, Alexander; Schöffel, Josephine
Journal Article
2021 Ressourceneinsparung mit Carbonbeton. Am Beispiel der Verstärkung der Hyparschale in Magdeburg
Schumann, Alexander; Schöffel, Josephine; May, Sebastian; Schladitz, Frank; Curbach, Manfred
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2021 Circular Economy in Familienunternehmen
Albertsen, Levke; Strack, S.; Vallentin, D.; Maier, Moritz Julian; Menke, Charlott; Schöffel, Josephine; Stein, Lisa Theresa; Hiebel, Markus; Schulte, Anna; Kloberdanz, Sylvia
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