NANOMATCON – Multifunctional Nanoparticles and Materials Controlled by Structure

Strategy for German-Czech Centre of Excellence for Nanotechnology  


EU funding for centres of excellence

Promising centres of excellence are being funded as part of HORIZON 2020, the European framework program for research, which will enable selected regions in Europe to be more competitive and have a better position in the global value chain.

Strategy for centre of excellence

The Technical University of Liberec and the Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research ISC are planning to develop a joint center of excellence for nanotechnology in the Czech Republic. In the future, it is intended that nanomaterials for biotechnology, medicine, IT and energy generation will be developed there. The German-Czech Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DTIHK) should serve as the platform for transferring the research results into the economy. So that the joint research center remains permanently viable, experts at the Fraunhofer center in Leipzig are developing a regional and international integration strategy for the planned center of excellence in addition to a long-term business strategy

The aim of the first year-long project phase is to prepare a detailed business plan with an effective and efficient management structure and market-based utilization aspects. Furthermore, the researchers in Leipzig are supporting the Technical University of Liberec with preparing a long-term research strategy.

Strategy development is taking place as part of the NANOMATCON (Multifunctional Nanoparticles and Materials Controlled by Structure) project funded by HORIZON 2020 Teaming. The funding program should promote research cooperation between partners from Western, Central and Eastern Europe.


Funded by the HORIZON 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union


Project partner: