Foresight Initiative

Foresight Fraunhofer – Identifying future research topics at the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft 


What new topics will be of particular interest to applied research in ten years' time? What is the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft’s position in relation to global technological and non-technological trends? These are the initial questions for “Foresight Fraunhofer.”

The aim of this project is to identify technical developments and social trends with high innovation potential and market presence within the framework of a systematic foresight process, and to analyze their relevance for Fraunhofer. 

The foresight process includes scanning, describing, and evaluating developments and trends that have the potential to become widespread in applied research in ten years or more. In a systematic process, a total of 250 possibilities have already been examined, edited, and condensed into a collection of 51 central foci for further evaluation, synthesized in a one-page report. Using an online survey, Fraunhofer experts have assessed the list, while experts outside the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft have reflected their results in a review process.

The methodological advancement of the Foresight Process is the goal of the upcoming work phase. Our scientists will use newer, data-driven tools for testing purposes, linking them with qualitative analysis methods to establish a continuous, systematic foresight process for the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft.

Project Duration: 4/1/2018 – 10/31/2019

See Project Poster

Spotlights of Tomorrow - The "Foresight-Fraunhofer" project