Philipp Kögler

Areas of Expertise

  • Transdisciplinary knowledge integration
  • Platform economy (B2B context)
  • Digital transformation, especially digital business models
  • Strategic marketing and sales management


Philipp Kögler has been working as a research fellow in the “Professionalizing Knowledge Transfer Processes“ unit at Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW in Leipzig since August 2020. His focus is on the interdisciplinary development and application of future knowledge in the use of new technologies and services. Prior to this, Philipp Kögler worked as a research assistant in the digital project unit “Data Mining and Value Creation“, where he started in April 2019. Here, he dealt with B2B platforms and digital business models.
Philipp Kögler studied business administration at the Leipzig University (Master of Science) with a focus on "Marketing, Distribution and Service". During this time, he spent a semester abroad at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), where he dealt with the topics "Strategic Management & Business Relationships and Networks". In cooperation with the Fraunhofer IMW and other practice partners, he investigated the functionalities of digital industrial platforms in his master thesis by means of a cross-industry comparison. Philipp Kögler already gained project experience during various internships in Germany and abroad within the aviation industry and during his dual studies (Bachelor of Arts) in business administration at the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Mannheim (DHBW).

Current Projects


Publication Type
2023 Regionale Wertschöpfungsketten für ökologische Tier- und Fleischprodukte
Welz, Juliane; Strecker, Daniel; Kögler, Philipp; Ziegler, David; Rockstroh, Janice; Schmidt, Anja; Reichel, Christiane; Langer, Vivien; Pein, Christian
2023 Digitaler Marktplatz für ökologisch erzeugte tierische Lebensmittel. Handlungsfelder für den Aufbau eines digitalen Marktplatzes. Praxisleitfaden
Welz, Juliane; Strecker, Daniel; Kögler, Philipp; Ziegler, David; Rockstroh, Janice; Schmidt, Anja; Reichel, Christiane; Langer, Vivien; Pein, Christian
2022 Bedarf an regionalen Produkten im inhabergeführten Lebensmitteleinzelhandel
Welz, Juliane; Strecker, Daniel; Heinrich, Julian Phillip Jonas; Kögler, Philipp
2022 Die Digitalisierung als Enabler von Resilienz in der Krise - Status quo und quo vadis
Ries, Sonja; Neuschl, Sarah; Kubenz, Victoria; Haugk, Sebastian; Arzt, Alexander; Kögler, Philipp
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2022 Patterns of business model innovation for advancing IoT platforms
Markfort, Lino; Arzt, Alexander; Kögler, Philipp; Jung, Sven; Gebauer, Heiko; Haugk, Sebastian; Leyh, Christian; Wortmann, Felix
Journal Article
2020 Business Model Patterns of IOT Platforms in the B2B Context
Markfort, Lino; Kögler, Philipp; Arzt, Alexander; Gebauer, Heiko
Conference Paper
Diese Liste ist ein Auszug aus der Publikationsplattform Fraunhofer-Publica

This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica

Talks and Conferences


  • Kögler, P.; Henke, M. (2022). Modellierung von Ökosystemen zur Kommerzialisierung der PowerON-Technologie. Presentation, RESILIENT-Dialog vor Ort c/o Werkzeug-Eylert GmnH & Co. KG. Chemnitz, 28.6.2022.
  • Kögler, P. (2022). Regionale Wertschöpfungsketten für landwirtschaftliche Produkte mit Fokus auf ökologische Landwirtschaft. Presentation, agra Landwirtschaftsausstellung 2022. Leipzig, 22.4.2022.
  • Kögler, P. (2022). Digitale Services rund um die Nutzung von Wasserstoff. Presentation and moderation of a topic table. 14. HYPOS-Dialog zum Thema »Digitale Welt des Wasserstoffs«. Leipzig, 3.5.2022.



  • Kögler, P.; Markfort, L. (2020). Business Model Patterns of IoT Platforms in the B2B Context. Spring Servitization Conference 2020, Aston Business School Birmingham UK; The Advanced Services. Birmingham UK. 14.9.2020.