Annual Report

Dear readers,

We are pleased to share with you the Annual Report 2020-22 of the Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW. In this double issue, we invite you to take a look at our socio- and techno-economic research projects and the institute's development during the years of the Corona pandemic.

These past few years have been marked by high transformation pressures on the economy and society. In addition to advancing digitization and the goal of climate neutrality, the acute crises increase the pressure to rapidly bring new technologies, production processes and resource flows into application. As a research partner, we support you in your transformation efforts. With customized strategies, processes and instruments of knowledge and technology transfer, we help to accelerate your innovation processes and reduce risks at an early stage.

We have worked with companies to investigate the resilience of business models and developed tools to strengthen corporate resilience. Our anthology published in 2022 brings together the latest findings on resilience research to illustrate what companies can do to overcome crises more resiliently in the future.

The year 2022 also saw the conclusion of one of our major projects, Data Mining and Value Creation. The joint project of Fraunhofer IMW and the University of Leipzig investigated data-based value creation for companies, especially for SMEs in Saxony, and tested new forms of digital value creation in pilot projects together with companies. In this annual report, we share the key findings with you in detail.

Regions are also subject to high transformation pressure – another focus of our research. In recent years, our researchers have analyzed and developed instruments for shaping regional structural transformation processes – and demonstrated in several research projects how cooperation between companies, regional actors and research institutions can succeed. The development of an economically viable hydrogen economy in Central Germany is one of the current focal points of our research.

During the pandemic years, we also celebrated our fifteenth anniversary as an institute. Since our foundation in 2006, we have continuously advanced, carried out numerous national and international projects and released our results in publications. We have achieved a lot in the last 15 years, also thanks to the cooperation with you, our partners, our clients, and we are proud of the work of our research teams. Since fall of 2021, we have dedicated ourselves to the further development and sharpening of our service portfolio as part of a strategy process. In the four research fields of foresight, environment analysis and assessment, strategy and business model development, and impact measurement, we are aligning our service offerings to accelerate your innovation processes and reduce risks. We will continue to do our best in the future and look forward to being your companion for strategic transformation processes and transfer measures.

We hope you enjoy a knowledge-intensive read and look forward to your feedback on our research, your questions, impulses and ideas and invite you to pick up the threads again.

Yours sincerly
Thorsten Posselt und Christian Growitsch
Head of Institute Fraunhofer IMW

Highlights from 2020-2022

January 2020

Center for Economics of Materials CEM complements Fraunhofer IMW portfolio

Since January 1, 2020, the Center for Economics of Materials CEM complements the Fraunhofer IMW as a branch office in Halle (Saale).

January 2020

Joint start into the research year 2020

For the fifth time in a row, the "Research Day" marked the start of the new research year. The researchers presented their research focal points for 2020 in a "speed dating format".

March 2020

Corona pandemic transforms work culture

Fraunhofer IMW in Leipzig and its branch office in Halle (Saale) close their doors to visitors on Wednesday, March 18, 2020. The socio-economic and techno-economic research continue as usual.

May 2020

Workshop series "Digital Transformation"

Due to COVID-19, the workshop series "Digital Transformation" took place online. This allowed for a lively exchange between the researchers and the Saxon economy was possible.

June 2020


The hashtag #WeKnowTransformation represented the central theme of the 2020 meeting of the Board of Trustees. On June 24, 2020, the Trustees discussed the development of the institute and the contribution of the researchers to the resilience of work, companies and regions.

June 2020

"Innovation competence to overcome the crisis"

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Posselt, Executive Director of Fraunhofer IMW, explains in an interview with "ARBEIT UND LEBEN Sachsen", he explains how small and medium-sized companies can use the crisis as an opportunity.

July 2020

Fraunhofer IMW expands cooperation with Southeast Asia

In 2020, the Leipzig researchers concluded strategic cooperation agreements with key stakeholders in cultural heritage management in Southeast Asia.

November 2020

Researching to combat the Corona Virus – ScienceMatch among Saxon Research Teams

In the online ScienceMatch by the Saxon Ministry of Science, a team from Fraunhofer IMW presented the research project "RESILIENT".

January 2021

New Head of Unit Business Models: Engineering and Innovation

Since January 2021, Dr. Daniel Strecker has been heading the Business Models: Engineering and Innovation Unit at Fraunhofer IMW.

February 2021

Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft joins Climate Heritage Network

Since 2021, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft has been a member of the Climate Heritage network – and Fraunhofer IMW is involved through the Cultural Heritage Research Alliance.

April 2021

Re-certified according to ISO:9001:2015

In April 2021, the external audit of Fraunhofer IMW for re-certification according to ISO:9001:2015 took place successfully.

May 2021

Priv-Doz. Dr. Christian Growitsch supports institute management

Priv.-Doz. Dr. Christian Growitsch has been complementing the management of Fraunhofer IMW since May 2021 – next to the managing director of the institute Prof. Dr. Thorsten Posselt.

May 2021

New Research Division: Technology Economics and Management

Dr. Daniela Pufky-Heinrich has been heading the new division Technology Economics and Management and the Center for Economics of Materials CEM in Halle (Saale) since May 2021.

May 2021

New Research Division: Regional Transformation and Innovation Policy

Dr. Friedrich Dornbusch has been heading the newly founded Regional Transformation and Innovation Policy division since May 2021.

June 2021

German-Greek workshop for knowledge and technology transfer

More than 80 participants from 24 German-Greek cooperation projects attended a hybrid workshop in June 2021 to increase the transfer orientation of their cooperation.

July 2021

Long Night of the Sciences 2021

"Digitization at your fingertips." During the Long Night of the Sciences 2021 researchers provided insight into the Open Workshop of the Mittelstand 4.0 Competence Center eStandards at Fraunhofer IMW.

June 2021

15 years of the Fraunhofer Center at the Leipzig site

Originally founded as the Fraunhofer Center for Central and Eastern Europe MOEZ in 2006, Fraunhofer IMW celebrated its 15th anniversary in 2021.

June 2021

Gradual return to working on-site

As of June 2021, employees of the institute can – in compliance with Corona occupational health and safety measures – work again at the institute in Leipzig or the branch office in Halle (Saale). Events will not be held until June 2022.

September 2021

Central German Digital Days in viticulture and fruit growing

The Central German Digital Days in Viticulture and Fruit Growing organized by researchers of Fraunhofer IMW in the experimental field EXPRESS focused on new impulses for the digital transformation of agriculture.

October 2021

Second Fraunhofer Foresight Day

What are the future topics of applied research? Researchers from five Fraunhofer institutes, including Fraunhofer IMW, discussed and ranked the relevance of new and known "future topics" with the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft.

March 2022

Team Leadership of the new Digital Health Unit

Dr. Agnes Vosen and Dr. Julia Busch-Casler are leading the new Digital Health Unit, which emerged from the Price and Service Management Unit at Fraunhofer IMW.

April 2022

Major project "Data Mining and Value Creation" successfully completed

On April 27, 2022, Fraunhofer IMW and the University of Leipzig looked back on five years of research work of the digital project unit "Data Mining and Value Creation."

June 2022

Fraunhofer running team at Leipzig company run

After two years of Corona restrictions, the Leipzig company run took place again. More than 600 companies had registered. A running team from Fraunhofer IMW also mastered the 5-kilometer course through Leipzig.

July 2022

Research team prepares tool for out-licensing

Since July 2022, a research team of Fraunhofer IMW around Priv-Doz. Dr. Thomas Kirschstein and Hannah Ventz is funded in the central technology transfer program "AHEAD" of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft.

August 2022

New research unit: Data and platform-based value creation

Fraunhofer IMW established a new research unit headed by Dr. Sebastian Haugk with deputy head Sarah Neuschl at Fraunhofer IMW starting in August 2022.

September 2022

East German Energy Forum: Keynote on energy transition

Priv.-Doz. Dr. Christian Growitsch, Institute Director of Fraunhofer IMW, took stock at the 11th East German Energy Forum. In his keynote speech, he called for a faster restructuring of the energy infrastructure.

October 2022

Fraunhofer IMW symposium "How to H2 – Hydrogen economy on the spot"

Together with the Leipzig company HeiterBlick GmbH, the Leipzig Group and HYPOS e. V., Fraunhofer IMW extended invitations in October 2022 to a symposium on the opportunities of the green hydrogen economy for the region of Central Germany.

October 2022

New head of Corporate Development in International Competition Division

Annegret Seehafer has been heading the divison "Corporate Development in International Competition" since October 2022.

November 2022

Fraunhofer IMW publishes anthology on resilience of value networks

The Fraunhofer IMW anthology brings together current findings in resilience research and shows how companies can record, assess and continuously improve their resilience.

November 2022

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Posselt opens Saxon Transfer Forum

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Posselt, Executive Director of Fraunhofer IMW, opened the Saxon Transfer Forum organized by futureSAX with a keynote address.

November 2022

New value creation lab at Fraunhofer IMW

On November 1, 2022, the medium-sized business digital center WertNetzWerke started. Fraunhofer IMW is a regional location of the center for small and medium-sized enterprises

Our range of services: Application-oriented innovation and transfer research

Joseph von Fraunhofer studied the phenomena of light. The reflections on the cover and chapter dividers of the Annual Report pick up on this legacy. By experimenting with light and shadow, we aim to create visual moments that reveal new, unexpected image levels and patterns. Our researchers also often relate different perspectives to each other in their work, thereby helping to accelerate innovation processes and minimize risks.

Our researchers support companies, regions and networks in identifying major technological, economic and social changes at an early stage and assessing their potential impact on a scientifically sound basis. They enable clients to assess current and future developments of markets, technologies, scientific and regional potentials and to draw conclusions for future actions. They also derive concrete options for the future strategy and value generation of companies, regions or networks. Last but not least, our researchers help to evaluate and adapt corporate, innovation, technology or transfer strategies in order to better achieve the desired goals.

The Management Staff of the Institute, the Organizational Development and Quality Management Unit, the Administration Department and the Marketing and Communication Division support the scientific work as service units.

Research projects in the fields of business, politics and society

Whether analog, digital or hybrid – we have steadily developed our research portfolio over the past three years, including during the Corona pandemic. The following four main topics provide an insight into our research and current challenges.


Crisis-proof – Resilience as a success factor

The pitfall of a crisis like the Corona pandemic lies in its element of surprise. Many companies were caught unprepared. As in nature, therefore, resilience, i. e. the ability of a system to withstand change, is now crucial for dealing with abrupt changes and for future success.



Valuable data – Digital value creation in the spotlight

Digitization is changing all areas of life and work – new technologies are emerging and digital skills are changing traditional job profiles. Above all, the systematic collection, analysis, processing and monetization of data holds the potential for optimized processes, additional services, new business models and recurring value creation. In recent years, researchers at Fraunhofer IMW have investigated the potential of data-based value creation, especially for medium-sized companies in Saxony.  


Building bridges – Knowledge transfer between business and research

Small and medium-sized companies depend on collaboration with scientists. This is why politicians also want to see a good exchange between business and research, but how does this really work? In recent years, researchers at the Fraunhofer IMW have investigated how companies can find the right scientific research findings and how researchers can find the right industry partners – also internationally – to jointly explore new value creation potentials.


Shaping the future – Regional development as an opportunity

Regions, entire industries, politics and society are faced with the challenge of making the transition to a resource-conserving way of working and living. At the same time, this transformation process offers opportunities: a switch to climate-neutral technologies and production methods, future-oriented fields of work and more social participation. In recent years, researchers at Fraunhofer IMW have studied several regional, national and international structural change processes and innovation systems.

Profile of the institute


Overview of the fiscal years 2021 and 2022

As in previous years, we were able to further increase the volume of our contract research even in a difficult economic environment. The institute's operating budget grew from €9 million (2020) to €10.2 million (2022). External revenues increased from €5.7 million (2020) to €6.3 million (2022), with economic revenues in particular increasing significantly from just under €400 thousand (2020) to €830 thousand (2022).


Research divisions at Fraunhofer IMW:

Research at the Fraunhofer IMW is currently organized in four interdisciplinary research divisions:

Knowledge and Technology Transfer Division

Corporate Development in International Competition Division

Regional Transformation and Innovation Policy Division

Economics of Technology and Management Division


The Staff of the Institute Management, the Organizational Development and Quality Management Unit, the Administration and Marketing and Communication Division support the scientific work as service facilities

Scientific publications 2020-2022

Here you will find a selection of scientific publications by the institute and its researchers from the years 2020 to 2022.

Ansprechpartner*innen für den Jahresbericht des Fraunhofer IMW:

Dirk Böttner-Langolf

Contact Press / Media

Dirk Böttner-Langolf

V.i.S.d.P., Spokesperson, Head of Marketing and Communication Division

Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW
Martin-Luther-Ring 13
04109 Leipzig, Germany

Phone +49 341 231039-250

Fax +49 341 231039-9250

Dajana Trapp

Contact Press / Media

Dajana Trapp

Editor-in-chief, Editorial staff, Marketing and Communication Division

Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW
Martin-Luther-Ring 13
04109 Leipzig, Germany

Phone +49 341 231039-250

Fax +49 341 231039-9250