Digital Project Unit

Research project on the economic value of data and digitization of Saxon companies successfully completed

The joint project of Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW and the University of Leipzig addressed the question of how companies can make even greater use of digitization for their own benefit. Over the past four years, both partners have developed new methods and suitable software solutions to scientifically measure and analyze the economic value of data. The project was funded by the Free State of Saxony.

On April 27, 2022, the major project came to a close with the Digital Value Creation Day. Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW invited to look back on four years of the project Data Mining and Value Creation. Prof. Dr. Eva Inés Obergfell, Rector of the University of Leipzig, Sebastian Gemkow, Saxon State Minister for Science, Culture and Tourism and Prof. Dr. Thorsten Posselt, Institute Director Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW invited to a joint look at the experiences gained in the project.

New research unit: Data- and platform-based Value Creation


Personnel and organizational change

Prof. Dr. Heiko Gebauer-Drechsel, Dr. Sebastian Haugk and Sarah Neuschl are establishing a new group at the Fraunhofer IMW starting Sept. 1, 2022: "Data- and platform-based Value Creation". More information will follow shortly on the new page.

Range of services

  • Data-based service and business model innovations, such as consulting on growth paths (in the course of data use, on service strategies or portfolio adjustments, as well as evaluation and monitoring systems/KPI sets)
  • Value creation and business networks in the data and platform economy
  • Use and value of data, such as valuation approaches for data as well as analysis of data usage potentials
  • Potential consulting of data processing methods, modeling and visualization of operational process and system landscapes and prototypical data analysis and modeling


Publication Type
2022 Die Digitalisierung als Enabler von Resilienz in der Krise - Status quo und quo vadis
Ries, Sonja; Neuschl, Sarah; Kubenz, Victoria; Haugk, Sebastian; Arzt, Alexander; Kögler, Philipp
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2022 Datenmanagement und Resilienz - Bestandsaufnahme im (sächsischen) Mittelstand während der Covid-19-Pandemie
Schneider, Anne; Neuschl, Sarah; Leyh, Christian
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2022 Patterns of business model innovation for advancing IoT platforms
Markfort, Lino; Arzt, Alexander; Kögler, Philipp; Jung, Sven; Gebauer, Heiko; Haugk, Sebastian; Leyh, Christian; Wortmann, Felix
Journal Article
2022 Zukunfts- und Wertschöpfungslabor DataLab WestSax - Ein regionaler Katalysator für datenbasierte Wertschöpfungsprozesse
Leyh, Christian; Kusturica, Wibke; Neuschl, Sarah; Laroque, Christoph
Journal Article
2022 Analysis of Critical Success Factors for Successfully Conducting Digitalization Projects
Leyh, Christian; Köppel, K.; Neuschl, Sarah; Pentrack, Milan
Conference Paper
2021 Providing Language Interfaces with Robotic Process Automation and Text Retrieval for automated integration of applications and unstructured data
Niekler, Andreas; Busse, Mark; Gulde, Matthias; Markfort, Lino; Helfer, Felix
2021 PLATON: Digitale Plattformen für den Leitmarkt Wasserstoff. H2 × EE × P1011 < 1,5
Gebauer, Heiko; Arzt, Alexander; Haugk, Sebastian; Schuster, Tassilo; Bühler, Lydia; Pflaum, Alexander; Klingler, Anna-Lena; Tagalidou, Nektaria; Fronemann, Nora
2021 Digital servitization: Crossing the perspectives of digitization and servitization. Editorial
Gebauer, Heiko; Paiola, Marco; Saccani, Nicola; Rapaccini, Mario
2021 White Paper »RESYST«. Resiliente Wertschöpfung in der produzierenden Industrie - innovativ, erfolgreich, krisenfest
Buß, Dominik; Gebauer, Heiko; Glawar, Robert; Heller, Thomas; Klan, Steffen; Knothe, Thomas; Kohl, Holger; Sai, Brandon; Schmidtke, Niels; Stenzel, Fabian; Werner, Markus; Wilms, Marcel
2021 The Impact of Digital Technologies on How Companies Work: Results from an Interview Study
Leyh, Christian; Becke, P.; Pentrack, Milan; Bodenstein, Bastien
Conference Paper
2021 Critical Success Factors for Digitalization Projects
Leyh, Christian; Köppel, K.; Neuschl, Sarah; Pentrack, Milan
Conference Paper
2021 PLATON - digitale Plattformen für den Leitmarkt Wasserstoff. Empirische Studienergebnisse
Tagalidou, Nektaria; Klingler, Anna-Lena; Fronemann, Nora; Schuster, Tassilo; Bühler, Lydia; Gebauer, Heiko; Arzt, Alexander; Haugk, Sebastian
2020 Sterben Innovationen im Verkauf?
Gebauer, Heiko
Journal Article
2020 The relationship between digitalization and servitization: The role of servitization in capturing the financial potential of digitalization
Kohtamäki, Marko; Parida, Vinit; Patel, Pankaj C.; Gebauer, Heiko
Journal Article
2020 How to convert digital offerings into revenue enhancement - Conceptualizing business model dynamics through explorative case studies
Gebauer, Heiko; Arzt, Alexander; Kohtamäki, Marko; Lamprecht, Claudio; Parida, Vinit; Witell, Lars; Wortmann, Felix
Journal Article
2020 Firm boundaries in servitization: Interplay and repositioning practices
Huikkola, Tuomas; Rabetino, Rodrigo; Kohtamäki, Marko; Gebauer, Heiko
Journal Article
2020 From selling assets to delivering equipment-as-a-service. Executive Paper
Knapp, Johanna; Lamprecht, Claudio; Gebauer, Heiko; Wortmann, Felix
Conference Paper
2020 Business Model Dynamics for Increasing Revenue through Digital Offerings. Executive Paper
Gebauer, Heiko; Arzt, Alexander
Conference Paper
2020 Internet of things technologies, digital servitization and business model innovation in BtoB manufacturing firms
Paiola, Marco; Gebauer, Heiko
Journal Article
2020 Business Ecosystems for Digital Servitization
Arzt, Alexander; Haugk, Sebastian; Gebauer, Heiko
Conference Paper
2020 Growth paths for overcoming the digitalization paradox
Gebauer, Heiko; Fleisch, Elgar; Lamprecht, Claudio; Wortmann, Felix
Journal Article
2020 Business Model Patterns of IOT Platforms in the B2B Context
Markfort, Lino; Kögler, Philipp; Arzt, Alexander; Gebauer, Heiko
Conference Paper
2020 Evaluation of Digital Business Model Opportunities
Linde, Lina; Sjödin, David; Parida, Vinit; Gebauer, Heiko
Journal Article
2020 Wachstumspfade zur Überwindung des Digitalisierungsparadoxes
Posselt, Thorsten; Gebauer, Heiko; Arzt, Alexander
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2020 Digitale Transformation erfolgreich umsetzen. Herausforderungen und Erfolgsfaktoren für Industrieunternehmen
Matischok, Lilian; Arndt, Alexander; Sayer, Alexander; Hoßbach, Nadja; Jahn, Christoph; Plass, C.; Leonardy, Hannes; Pant, Rohitashwa; Unkelhäußer, Lisa; Haugk, Sebastian; Ries, Sonja
2020 Europe in the Global Platform Economy
Posselt, Thorsten; Haugk, Sebastian; Bourayou, Riad
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2019 Internet of Things Plattformen als Chance für Industrieunternehmen: Der Bedarf angewandter Forschung zur Orientierung für Industrie und Politik
Posselt, Thorsten; Gebauer, Heiko; Arzt, Alexander
2019 Wachstumspfade bei der Digitalisierung von Geschäftsmodellen in Industrieunternehmen
Arzt, Alexander; Gebauer, Heiko; Posselt, Thorsten
2019 Digital servitization business models in ecosystems: A theory of the firm
Kohtamäki, Marko; Parida, Vinit; Oghazi, Pejvak; Gebauer, Heiko; Baines, Tim
Journal Article
2019 So You Want to Be a Platform: Where to Start?
Markfort, Lino; Haugk, Sebastian; Tangour, Cyrine
Conference Paper
2019 Extending the Base-of-the-Pyramid Concept
Joncourt, Simon; Gebauer, Heiko; Reynoso, Javier; Cabrera, Karla; Valdes, Ana; Greve, Katharina
Journal Article
2019 Steering manufacturing firms towards IoT enabled service and product business
Lamprecht, Claudio; Gebauer, Heiko; Fleisch, Elgar; Wortmann, Felix; Gessmann, Timo
Conference Paper
2019 Geld verdienen im IoT - aber wie?
Wortmann, Felix; Bilgeri, Dominik; Gebauer, Heiko; Lamprecht, Claudio; Fleisch, Elgar
Journal Article
2019 Regional benefits of servitization processes: Evidence from the wind-to-energy industry
Gebauer, Heiko; Binz, Christian
Journal Article
2019 External growth - an option for achieving service growth in industrial companies
Gebauer, Heiko; Valtakoski, Aku; Witell, Lars
Conference Paper
2019 Innovation challenges of utilities in informal settlements: Combining a capabilities and regime perspective
Welie, Mara J. van; Truffer, Bernhard; Gebauer, Heiko
Journal Article
2019 Winning the service market when the core product technologies are changing
Glaa, Besma; Gebauer, Heiko; Witell, Lars
Conference Paper
2019 Welche Zahlungsbereitschaften haben Patienten für Telemedizinlösungen? Eine empirische Analyse am Beispiel einer Plattform für multimorbide Patienten
Radic, Marija; Haugk, Sebastian; Radic, Dubravko
Journal Article
2019 A Configurational Approach to Servitization: Review and Research Directions
Kohtamäki, Marko; Henneberg, Stephan C.; Martinez, Veronica; Kimita, Koji; Gebauer, Heiko
Journal Article
2019 Servitization: A contemporary thematic review of four major research streams
Raddats, Chris; Kowalkowski, Christian; Benedettini, Ornella; Burton, Jamie; Gebauer, Heiko
Journal Article
2019 Driving Process Innovation with IoT Field Data
Bilgeri, Dominik; Gebauer, Heiko; Fleisch, Elgar; Wortmann, Felix
Journal Article
2018 Der Faktor Unsicherheit bei ersatzteillogistischen Kooperationen auf dem Drittanbietermarkt
Drechsler, Stefan; Bodenstein, Bastien; Lasch, Rainer
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2018 Nutzenbewertung und Preisverhandlung unter AMNOG: Berechenbares Verfahren oder unfaire Pokerpartie?
Radic, Dubravko; Haugk, Sebastian; Radic, Marija
Journal Article
2018 Incremental and radical open service innovation
Myhren, Per; Gustafsson, Anders; Gebauer, Heiko; Witell, Lars
Journal Article
2018 Digital transformation as an enabler for advanced services in the sanitation sector
Saul, Caroline Jennings; Gebauer, Heiko
Journal Article
2018 Born solution providers - dynamic capabilities for providing solutions
Saul, Caroline Jennings; Gebauer, Heiko
Journal Article
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