Prof. Dr. Christian Leyh

Christian Leyh

Contact Press / Media

Prof. Dr. Christian Leyh

Senior Expert, Data and Platform Based Value Creation Unit

Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW
Martin-Luther-Ring 13
04109 Leipzig, Germany

Phone +49 341 231039-279

Fax +49 341 231039-9279

Areas of expertise

  • Digital transformation of companies
  • Selection and introduction of business application systems (e.g. ERP systems)
  • Business optimization / Business Process Reengineering
  • Business model transformation and business model innovation



Prof. Dr. Christian Leyh joined the Fraunhofer Center in Leipzig in April 2019 as team leader for "Digital Transformation" in the project "Data Mining and Value Creation". Until August 2021, he also worked as a post-doc at the Chair of Information Systems, in particular Information Systems in Industry and Commerce, at the Dresden University of Technology. In 2014, he completed his doctorate at this chair on the topic of "Success factors in the introduction of ERP systems in small and medium-sized enterprises and their implications for university teaching". One of the results of his dissertation, was the development of a process model that can support SMEs in the selection and introduction of ERP systems. Prior to his doctorate, he completed a degree in business informatics (Diplom-Wirtschaftsinformatiker (FH)) at the University of Applied Sciences Schmalkalden and a Master of Business and Engineering at Steinbeis University Berlin. In April 2022, Prof. Dr. Christian was appointed to the professorship of General Business Administration with a focus on ERP systems and business analytics at the Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen - University of Applied Sciences. His current teaching and research activities focus on the area of digitalization / digital transformation and the associated challenges from various organizational perspectives, as well as on the area of business application systems (e.g. ERP systems, CRM systems, AI tools, etc.).


Publication Type
2023 Digitale Geschäftsmodelle und Wertschöpfung in Datenräumen für die Industrie
Hoßbach-Zimmermann, Nadja; Hantschel, Patrick; Falk, Svenja; Guggenberger, Tobias Moritz; Leyh, Christian
2022 Datenmanagement und Resilienz - Bestandsaufnahme im (sächsischen) Mittelstand während der Covid-19-Pandemie
Schneider, Anne; Neuschl, Sarah; Leyh, Christian
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2022 Patterns of business model innovation for advancing IoT platforms
Markfort, Lino; Arzt, Alexander; Kögler, Philipp; Jung, Sven; Gebauer, Heiko; Haugk, Sebastian; Leyh, Christian; Wortmann, Felix
Journal Article
2022 Zukunfts- und Wertschöpfungslabor DataLab WestSax - Ein regionaler Katalysator für datenbasierte Wertschöpfungsprozesse
Leyh, Christian; Kusturica, Wibke; Neuschl, Sarah; Laroque, Christoph
Journal Article
2022 Analysis of Critical Success Factors for Successfully Conducting Digitalization Projects
Leyh, Christian; Köppel, K.; Neuschl, Sarah; Pentrack, Milan
Conference Paper
2021 The Impact of Digital Technologies on How Companies Work: Results from an Interview Study
Leyh, Christian; Becke, P.; Pentrack, Milan; Bodenstein, Bastien
Conference Paper
2021 Critical Success Factors for Digitalization Projects
Leyh, Christian; Köppel, K.; Neuschl, Sarah; Pentrack, Milan
Conference Paper
Diese Liste ist ein Auszug aus der Publikationsplattform Fraunhofer-Publica

This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica

Further Talks and Conference Contributions


  • Leyh, C. (2020). A Vision for Industrial Symbiosis: Build your Platform (Ecosystem). 28th European Conference on Information Systems, ECIS 2020, online. 15.-17.6.2020.


  • Leyh, C. (2019). Daten als Infrastruktur für neue Wertschöpfungsaktivitäten und Arbeit. Praktikernetzwerktreffen - NET19 – seecon Netzwerktreffen Digitalisierung. seecon Ingenieure GmbH, Leipzig. 27.9.2019.
  • Leyh, C. (2019). Vorgehensmodell zur Identifizierung Blockchain-relevanter Prozesse. Workshop »Blockchain zwischen Mythos und Anwendung«. Part of the Workshop Series »Digitale Transformation«. Fraunhofer IMW, Project Data Mining und Wertschöpfung, Leipzig. 24.9.2019.
  • Leyh, C. (2019). ICT Usage in Industrial Symbiosis: Problem Identification and Study Design. 14th Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, FedCSIS 2019, Leipzig. 1.-4.9.2019.

Research Day Poster

The Fraunhofer IMW holds an annual Research Day, where the research fellows present their latest research projects. Here you can find the poster presentations of Christian Leyh.

Poster Research Day 2020

Pilotprojekte mit Sächsischen Unternehmen