Corporate Development in International Competition Division

The scientists of the Corporate Development in International Competition Division are strategic partners of German and European companies. The business-driven market services bundled in this department are developed for companies that have to meet special requirements in the course of internationalization processes.


Industry expertise:

  • Digital Health
  • Circular economy
  • Hydrogen technologies

Business Models: Engineering and Innovation Unit


temporary Head of Unit: Annegret Seehafer

Business Models: Engineering and Innovation


Focal Research Area: Hydrogen Economy

The researchers in the unit are conducting research into hydrogen technologies in various projects.

Range of services

  • Sustainable business transformation
  • Business model innovation
  • Circular economy: value chain and life cycle analysis
  • Market, competition and environment analysis
  • Feasibility studies and profitability analysis

Digital Health Unit


Head of Unit: Dr. Agnes Vosen and Dr. Julia Busch-Casler

Digital Health


Head of Unit: Dr. Julia Busch-Casler and Dr. Agnes Vosen

Digital Health

Range of services

  • Digital transformation of business models and processes
  • Profitability analyses and piggyback studies in the field of health economics
  • Analysis of user-friendliness and user acceptance of digital health applications (including DiGa, CDSS, AAL, robotics)
  • Development of individual action plans for targeted digitization projects (including DiGa, CDSS, AAL, robotics)

Team Professional Development and Competence Management


Head of Team: Anzhela Preissler

Professional Development and Competence Management

Range of services

  • Competence measurement
  • Competence development
  • Conception of company-specific competence models
  • Evaluation of the relationship between employees and company-specific conditions