Jahr Year | Titel/Autor:in Title/Author | Publikationstyp Publication Type |
2024 | Bestandsaufnahme zum Qualifizierungsbedarf in der mitteldeutschen Wasserstoffwirtschaft Klöppelt, Christian; Wagner, Patrick; Thamm, Florian |
Studie Study |
2023 | Trends in household demand and greenhouse gas footprints in Germany: Evidence from microdata of the last 20 years Jacksohn, Anke; Tovar Reaños, Miguel Angel; Pothen, Frank; Rehdanz, Katrin |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | A rolling horizon approach for shunting operations - An emission oriented simulation study Zien, Max; Kirschstein, Thomas |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2022 | Eco-labeling of freight transport services: Design, evaluation, and research directions Kirschstein, Thomas; Heinold, A.; Behnke, M.; Meisel, F.; Bierwirth, C. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2022 | Branchenausblick 2030+. Automotive mit Schwerpunkt Ostdeutschland Viñallonga, Mar; Sanllorente, Antonia H.; Pothen, Frank; Doll, Claus; Grimm, Anna; Sievers, Luisa |
Bericht Report |
2022 | Prospects and opportunities for Eastern Germany for a competitive hydrogen economy Brock, Laura Victoria; Ventz, Hannah; Growitsch, Christian; Pufky-Heinrich, Daniela |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2022 | Potenzialstudie Grüne Gase. Analyse und Bewertung der Potenziale Grüner Gase in der Innovationsregion Mitteldeutschland Kutz, Christopher; Bünger, Ulrich; Weindorf, Werner; Reichelt, Lutz; Moll, Johannes; Schultz, Reinhard; Schultz, David; Kirchner, Ron; Dinse, Caroline; Klingl, Stephan; Pothen, Frank; Borovskikh, Pavel; Ventz, Hannah; Samartzidis, Lasare; Klement, Benjamin; Schubert, Lisa; Klöppelt, Christian; Bergander, Stefan; Renno, Juliane |
Bericht Report |
2022 | Green hydrogen as a key enabler for the bioeconomy Pufky-Heinrich, Daniela |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2021 | Platform and fine chemicals from woody biomass: Demonstration and assessment of a novel biorefinery Nitzsche, R.; Gröngröft, A.; Köchermann, J.; Meisel, K.; Etzold, H.; Verges, Marlen; Bachmann, J.; Leschinsky, Moritz; Saake, B.; Torkler, Sandra; Rößiger, B.; Patzsch, Katja; Pufky-Heinrich, D.; Unkelbach, Gerd |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2021 | Spectroscopic and morphological characterization of Nephelium lappaceum peel extract synthesized gold nanoflowers and its catalytic activity Kumar, Brajesh; Smita, Kumari; Borovskikh, Pavel; Shchegolkov, Alexandr; Debut, Alexis; Cumbal, Luis |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2021 | Can smart policies solve the sand mining problem? Hübler, Michael; Pothen, Frank |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2021 | The Impact of Digital Technologies on How Companies Work: Results from an Interview Study Leyh, Christian; Becke, P.; Pentrack, Milan; Bodenstein, Bastien |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2021 | Temperature self-regulating flat electric heaters based on MWCNTs-modified polymers Ali, Imran; AlGarni, Tahani Saad; Shchegolkov, Alexandr; Shchegolkov, Aleksei; Jang, Sung-Hwan; Galunin, Evgeny; Komarov, Fadey; Borovskikh, Pavel; Imanova, Gunel T. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2021 | Wasserstoffperspektiven für Leipzig - Potenzialeinschätzung Strecker, Daniel; Pothen, Frank; Gerhards, Christoph; Kirschstein, Thomas; Ilse, Klemens; Bard, Jochen; Plaisir, Marie; Naumov, Olga; Friedrich, Christoph |
Studie Study |
2021 | Schrottbonus konkret. Instrumente für fairen Wettbewerb in den globalen Wertschöpfungsketten der Stahlherstellung und mikrostrukturierender Herstellungsverfahren Pothen, Frank; Brock, Laura Victoria |
Studie Study |
2021 | A forward calibration method for analyzing energy policy in new quantitative trade models Pothen, Frank; Hübler, Michael |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2021 | Kinetic modeling of the continuous hydrothermal base catalyzed depolymerization of pine wood based kraft lignin in pilot scale Bernhardt, Justin; Rößiger, Björn; Hahn, Thomas; Pufky-Heinrich, Daniela |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2021 | Engineering Biofunctional Enzyme-Mimics for Catalytic Therapeutics and Diagnostics Tang, Qing; Cao, Sujiao; Ma, Tian; Xiang, Xi; Luo, Hongrong; Borovskikh, Pavel; Rodriguez, Raul D.; Guo, Quanyi; Qui, Li; Cheng, Chong |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
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This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica