Crowd Innovation

We strongly believe that the collaboration of multiple people can accomplish more than individual efforts. That is why we have developed the 𝗖𝗿𝗼𝘄𝗱 𝗜𝗻𝗻𝗼𝘃𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗣𝗹𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺, where crowdsourcing and crowdfunding are more than just buzzwords – they are active participation formats for bringing about real change and assessing impact in a scientifically sound manner.


Our aim is to introduce research and transfer institutions, start-ups, companies and foundations to the added value of crowd-based transfer instruments such as crowdsourcing and crowdfunding. Through our “Let's innovate together!” workshops, we enable participants to use the instruments in a needs-oriented manner, e.g., via our tried-and-tested crowdsourcing offer “Technology seeks application” and through experience gained from over 40 guided Crowd Innovation Challenges:


Our interdisciplinary and international team is made up of experts from various social science disciplines who are committed to developing practical solutions for our clients and promoting the transfer of scientific knowledge.


Let's innovate together!



SAFE Challenge

Join the SAFE Challenge until November 30, 2024.


Crowd Innovation Platform at the kick-off meeting of VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH

On November 1, 2023, the kick-off meeting of the project sponsor VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH took place in Jena. The team involving Dr. Norman Bedtke and Iliyana Madina from the Fraunhofer IMW's Crowd Innovation Platform and researchers from the Fraunhofer IOF outlined joint steps and visited the laboratories at the Abbe Center of Photonics.

In the open innovation project, quantum communication is validated with stakeholders from science and industry using crowdsourcing.

Crowd Innovation Platform at Hi-Acts Network Meeting 2023 in Hamburg

On November 6, 2023, Hi-Acts network partners from research and industry met at the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY to discuss new impulses for the future direction of the innovation platform Hi-Acts - Helmholtz Innovation Platform for Accelerator-based Technologies & Solutions. Jens Rockel took part in the event on behalf of the Fraunhofer IMW's Crowd Innovation Platform team.

The Hi-Acts innovation platform aims to work with key partners to integrate deep-tech solutions more quickly into industrial value chains and bring innovations to society more quickly overall.


Help shape the HOUSE of TRANSFER with your ideas and feedback!

The HOUSE of TRANSFER is a central contact point in the Central German Mining District for all stakeholders affected by structural change in the fields of bioeconomy, chemistry, plastics and hydrogen.


News / "Your solutions to known problems!" / 22.6.2022

EXPRESS idea contest 2022

As part of the EXPRESS research project, we are looking for solutions to existing challenges in agriculture. Take part in our idea contest and network with other farmers, researchers and companies.


"The living concept of my dreams"

What does the living concept of YOUR dreams look like?

We're on a journey to understand how changes like global connectivity, technological advances and new ways of working, accelerated by the Corona pandemic, are affecting YOU and YOUR way of living. Share your idea with us.


Crowd Innovation

The development and implementation of innovations can benefit from the involvement of society in research processes. With its Crowd Innovation platform, Fraunhofer IMW explores the potential of crowdsourcing for research and enables researchers to receive impulses and ideas to further develop their technologies.

The platform also offers companies the opportunity to search for solutions together with Fraunhofer researchers, laying a foundation for further collaborations.


Shared knowledge grows steadily: Fraunhofer IMW Crowd Innovation Platform

Find us on LinkedIn:

Crowd Innovation@Fraunhofer IMW

The Crowd Innovation Unit is also on LinkedIn!


Further Events and News

News articles are arranged according to their topicality. The filter allows you to adjust the time period. To read current news on this unit, you can search for the term “Crowd Innovation“.

Industrial and research projects


Project: Crowd Innovation


Future Living: Research project about the serviced living sector


TransferFinanz – Financing the Transfer of Research Findings into Applications with a Social Impact


Crowdfunding for municipal projects


Publication Type
2023 Crowdfunding in der Wissenschaft - mehr als reine Finanzierung?
Becker-Mironici, Anne; Thonagel, Malgorzata; Ackermann, Erik; Bürger, Robin; Rockel, Jens
Journal Article
2023 Die Zivilgesellschaft als Zielgruppe des Wissens- und Technologietransfers
Heine, Elisabeth; Madina, Iliyana; Daldrup, Valerie
2022 The "C" in crowdfunding is for co-financing: exploring participative co-financing, a complement of novel and traditional bank financing
Bock, Carolin; Siebeneicher, Sven; Rockel, Jens
Journal Article
2022 Whitepaper WTT Impact Canvas: Entwicklung und Pilotierung eines Canvas zur Darstellung der Wirkung von Transfermaßnahmen
Daldrup, Valerie; Madina, Iliyana; Pomp, Caron; Schmidt, Suntje; Stadermann, Julia
2022 A Lost Cause? A Process Perspective on How Outsiders Overcome Stigmatization
Reif, Karina; Gegenhuber, Thomas Karl; Urbig, Dimo; Bürger, Robin
Journal Article
2022 Resilienz durch Crowdfunding? – Empirische Befunde am Beispiel der Gastronomiebranche (2017-2020)
Madina, Iliyana; Krowicka, Malgorzata; Bürger, Robin; Kreßner, Tino; Bock, Carolin; Kurz, Konstantin
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2022 Crowdfunding as a crisis instrument for the gastronomy industry in Germany prior to and during the COVID-19 pandemic
Madina, Iliyana; Thonagel, Malgorzata; Bürger, Robin; Bock, Carolin; Kurz, Konstantin
Conference Paper
2022 Impact Crowdfunding: Verbesserung der Rahmenbedingungen zur Förderung von wirkungsorientierten Sozialunternehmen
Becker-Mironici, Anne; Kressner, Tino; Günther, Christina; Sauerhammer, Markus; Bürger, Robin; Vollmer, Franziska; Duttmann, Sven; Abu Dabash, Rosa
2021 Blockpool: How do SMEs in Europe deploy Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies? - Early insight and assessment around this new technology to guide SMEs and investors
Weber, Conny; Ackermann, Erik; Kilp, Johannes; Richter, Robert
2021 Can radicals get a seat on the negotiation table? A Dynamic Perspective on Legitimation Processes
Reif, Karina; Gegenhuber, Thomas Karl; Urbig, Diemo; Bürger, Robin
Journal Article
2021 Crowdfunding in Zeiten von COVID-19. Ein geeignetes Finanzinstrument in der Krise?
Kurz, Konstantin; Madina, Iliyana; Bejan, Julia; Bock, Carolin; Bürger, Robin; Rockel, Jens
2020 Crowdfunding und Kreditfinanzierung: Ein zukunftsfähiges Co-Finanzierungsmodell?
Rockel, Jens; Bock, Carolin; Siebeneicher, Sven; Krowicka, Malgorzata; Duttmann, Sven; Thieleke, Constanze; Bürger, Robin
2020 Democratising Entrepreneurial Finance: The Impact of Crowdfunding and Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs)
Ackermann, Erik; Bock, Carolin; Bürger, Robin
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2020 Studie zu Crowdfunding-Modellen in Sparkassen. Imageprojekt oder Finanzierungsmodell mit Ertrag und Zukunft?
Rockel, Jens; Bürger, Robin; Bock, Carolin
Journal Article
2020 Is Crowdfunding Suitable for Financing German Public Research Organization (PRO) Projects?
Daldrup, Valerie; Krahl, Oliver; Bürger, Robin
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2019 Tech meets Social Entrepreneurs: Alternative Finanzierungsstrategien für Forschung und soziale Innovation
Becker, Anne; Daldrup, Valerie; Bürger, Robin
2019 Crowdfunding - ein Instrument für Kommunen?
Näser, Daniel; Ackermann, Erik
Journal Article
2019 Kommunales Crowdfunding im Freistaat Sachsen. Neue Wege in der Finanzierung kommunaler Projekte
Ackermann, Erik; Bürger, Robin; Rockel, Jens; Becker, Anne; Duttmann, Sven
2016 Wege zur Stärkung der wirtschaftlichen Verwertung aus der Wissenschaft
Lehmann, Harald; Schmitz, Velina; Kehrer, Julian; Preissler, Steffen; Preissler, Anzhela; Riemer, Annamaria; Rockel, Jens; Zirkova, Inga
2015 Innovatives Finanzierungskonzept: Regionale Infrastrukturfinanzierung via Crowd
Arlt, Marie-Luise; Bürger, Robin; Rockel, Jens
2014 Innovative financing instruments for eco-innovation in Central Europe: Policy recommendations
Rockel, Jens; Bürger, Robin; Riemer, Annamaria; Keppler, Lisa
2013 EFFESUS - energy efficiency for EU historic districts sustainability
Rettberg, Britta von; Bürger, Robin; Egusquiza, Aitziber; Gandini, Alessandra; Kaiser, Urban; Lück, Kirsten; Rodriguez-Maribona, Isabel; Schindler, Claudia; Schumacher, Patrick
Conference Paper
2013 Investor reactions to new product development failures
Urbig, Diemo; Bürger, Robin; Patzelt, Holger; Schweizer, Lars
Journal Article
2013 Der Elektrizitätsmarkt in Bulgarien
Domel, Claudia; Schmitz, Paul
2012 Specific managerial human capital, firm age, and venture capital financing of biopharmaceutical ventures: A contingency approach
Behrens, Judith; Patzelt, Holger; Schweizer, Lars; Bürger, Robin
Journal Article
2011 Insel des Gelingens. Deutsch-Rumänische Zusammenarbeit im Zeichen der Umwelt
Domel, Claudia
Journal Article
2009 Anteile bis 2010 verdoppeln. Mit Strategie und gezielter Förderung will Tschechien die Nutzung von Öko-Energien deutlich ausbauen
Domel, Claudia
Journal Article
2009 Buffering the failure of new product development projects: A multi-level approach
Bürger, Robin; Patzelt, Holger; Schweizer, Lars
Conference Paper
2009 Anschub für den neuen Mix
Domel, Claudia
Journal Article
Diese Liste ist ein Auszug aus der Publikationsplattform Fraunhofer-Publica

This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica
Kommunales Crowdfunding im Freistaat Sachsen. Neue Wege in der Finanzierung kommunaler Projekte (in German)
Crowdfunding und Kreditfinanzierung: Ein zukunftsfähiges Co-Finanzierungsmodell? (in German)
Democratising Entrepreneurial Finance: The Impact of Crowdfunding and Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs)