
Current Projects


Project: Crowd Innovation


Future Living: Research project about the serviced living sector


Innovation Hub 13 – Governance Structure & Regional Funding Strategy Subproject


TransferFinanz – Financing the Transfer of Research Findings into Applications with a Social Impact


Crowdfunding for municipal projects


DBU Special Representative in Central and Eastern Europe: At work between the Baltic States

Completed Projects


BLOCKPOOL – EU project to promote and increase acceptance of distributed ledger technology in SMEs


Cluster Feedback – Transfer Instruments for the Timely Validation of Innovation Projects through Market Feedback


FIRECE – Innovative Financing Instruments for a Low-Carbon Energy Transition in Central Europe


ArKoNaVera: Protective measures for large mussels


Crowdresearch – Does Fraunhofer need a crowd system to use external basic knowledge?


Crowdfunding and Credit Financing: A Viable Future Co-Financing Model?


CrowdFANding as a Contemporary Instrument for Crowdfunding in Sports


ACTCLEAN: Support for use of environmentally friendly production methods in eight EU Member States


JUSTiCE – The impact of blockchain technology on the sharing economy


futureSAX – starting up and growing through innovation


EFFESUS – Energy Efficiency for EU Historic Districts’ Sustainability


The Venture Capital Market in Germany


Concept for establishing a regional energy agency


PRESOURCE – EU project to promote resource efficiency in small and medium enterprises


New approaches of financing research – the matching concept


Joint project Innofinanz: Financing promising innovations