Our Mission
At Fraunhofer IMW, our team draws from more than fourteen years of experience in socioeconomic research at our Leipzig offices. Fraunhofer economists develop scientifically sound solutions to challenges presented by globalization, ensuring the lasting success of our clients and partners from business and industry, research, and civil society.
Our mission is to develop powerful and effective strategies, processes, and tools, in order to:
- Facilitate knowledge and technology transfer between organizations
- Convert knowledge into innovative products and services
- Develop the right environment for innovation and knowledge transfer
In this process, we aim for ecologically and socially balanced and economically viable solutions with a global perspective.
Founded as the Center for Central and Eastern Europe MOEZ in 2006, the institute consolidated its expertise and range of services in internationalization and the knowledge economy under a new name in 2015, becoming the Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW.