Jördis Arnecke

Jördis Arnecke

Contact Press / Media

Jördis Arnecke

Research Fellow, Futures and Innovation Unit

Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW
Martin-Luther-Ring 13
04109 Leipzig, Germany

Phone +49 341 231039-151

Fax +49 341 231039-190

Professional Development

Jördis Arnecke (née Winkler), MA, studied European Studies at the Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg. During her studies, in which she focused on Eastern Europe, she was involved in several research stays in Russia, funded by the DAAD, the University of Magdeburg and others. She specialized in interdisciplinary education topics as well as socio-structural and social questions of migration and integration. Ms. Arnecke is currently doing her PhD with the program »Qualitative Education and Social Research« at the University of Magdeburg, with a focus on the theoretical and methodological planning, implementation and evaluation of qualitative interviews. Beginning with her doctorate, she took on several teaching assignments at the University of Magdeburg and worked as a research assistant there as part of a maternity-leave replacement. Since March 2017, Mrs. Arnecke has been working at Fraunhofer IMW as a research fellow in the “Futures and Innovation Unit“ (until 5/2023: Professionalizing Knowledge Transfer Processes Unit), for which she had already worked as a research assistant since 2009.


Current Projects


Publication Type
2015 D4.18 Potential transfers to other political and societal sectors
Zirkova, Inga; Riemer, Annamaria; Winkler, Jördis; Schüll, Elmar; Zechenter, Elisabeth
2013 Impact of selected structural factors on the forest-based sector in the European Union
Riemer, Annamaria; Betuch, Helene-Olesja; Zirkova, Inga; Winkler, Jördis; Wappler, Stefan; Storch, Sabine
2012 Ausgewählte Aspekte staatlicher Sprachenpolitik am Beispiel der Republik Burjatien in Russland
Winkler, Jördis
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
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