Innovation Acceptance

The Innovation Acceptance Unit examines the social prerequisites and consequences of technology and knowledge transfer processes. Our focus is on the challenges and opportunities in transferring innovative solutions with a large distance between the context of creation and use. In our work, we take current challenges as a starting point, make use of the findings and the methodological spectrum of social science technology research and develop these further with our own approaches. Our benchmark is always the user with his subjective needs. In terms of content, we serve the interstice between the macroeconomic framework of transfer processes and the micro-level of individual behavior.

Using this perspective, we focus on the following fields of application:

  • Sustainable use of natural resources
  • Urban transformation processes
  • Cultural heritage management


Event / 20.4.2023

SPARCS Webinar: The Best Practices of Engaging Different Actors

The partners of the project SPARCS have the pleasure of inviting you to the next SPARCS webinar, taking place on April 20, 10.00 CET.

During the webinar Espoo, Leipzig and Fraunhofer will share key insights on the most effective tools for citizen engagement and explore consider they could be replicated everywhere.

Further information on the agenda will follow up in the coming weeks. In the meantime, don’t forget to register your participation via this link.


News / 28.4.2022

The value of an original

Since Thursday, April 28, 2022, visitors to the treasure room of the Saxon State Library – Dresden State and University Library (SLUB) can take part in a survey by the research team led by Urban Kaiser and Uta Pollmer on one of the four remaining authentic Maya manuscripts in the world.

Further Events and News

The news articles are arranged according to their topicality. The filter allows you to narrow down the time period. To read current news of this unit, you can additionally search for it using the term “Innovation Acceptance“.

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Industry and Research Projects


Future Living: New know-how for the serviced living sector


CHARMS develops sustainable solutions for historic building structures in Thailand


Future Museum II: Relevance and Vision of Museums


KERES – Protecting cultural heritage from extreme climate events and increasing resilience


Publication Type
2024 Organisations- und Kommunikationstrukturen für die Notfallplanung und -bewältigung
Pollmer, Uta; Koutalidis, Thomas
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2024 KERES - Kulturgüter vor Extremklimaereignissen schützen
2023 Value of Cultural Heritage and Visitor Preferences
Pollmer, Uta; Schmidt, Erik
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2023 Fraunhofer Technologies for Heritage Protection in Times of Climate Change and Digitization
2023 The datafication of water infrastructure and its implications for (il)legible water consumers
Hoefsloot, Fenna I.; Richter, Christine; Martínez, Javier; Pfeffer, Karin
Journal Article
2022 Erfassung der Hürden und Perspektiven für eine effektivere Förderung kommunaler Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
Molina Vogelsang, Manuel; Winter, Jana; Sondermann, Rosa
2021 Initial Insights on Land Adjudication in a Fit-for-Purpose Land Administration
Lengoiboni, Monica; Richter, Christine; Asperen, Paul van; Zevenbergen, Jaap
Journal Article
2021 Citizens and Positive Energy Districts: Are Espoo and Leipzig Ready for PEDs?
Fatima, Zarrin; Pollmer, Uta; Santala, Saga-Sofia; Kontu, Kaisa; Ticklen, Marion
Journal Article
2021 Auswirkungen der Coronapandemie auf die Entwicklung von Kommunen und Landkreisen in Deutschland
Ottendörfer, Eva; Bieker, Susanne; Kaiser, Urban; Frieling, Hendrik; Gölz, Sebastian; Neumann, Marcel; Guckenbiehl, Pascal; Henze-Sakowsky, Annika; Schmitt, Anna; Richter, Christine; Pollmer, Uta
2020 Making space legible across three normative frames
Abubakari, Zaid; Richter, Christine; Zevenbergen, Jaap
Journal Article
2020 Authenticating Deeds/Organizing Society. Considerations for Blockchain-Based Land Registries
Miscione, Gianluca; Richter, Christine; Ziolkowski, Rafael
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2020 Value Networks as the Foundation for Digital Business Models - Use Cases from Germany and China
Falk, Svenja; An, Lin; Anderl, Reiner; Beermann, Henrik; Gao, Zihe; Li, Junhai; Preissler, Steffen; Shi-Kupfer, Kristin
2020 Good-Practice-Leitfaden für Co-Creation-Projekte
Klages, Tina; Kaiser, Urban; Möbius, Katrin Tina; Weiss, Peter
2020 Heritage Management Thailand. Report
Richter, Christine; Busse von Colbe, Jakob; Beermann, Henrik; Kaiser, Urban
2020 Cultural Heritage in Crisis. Cultural Heritage Research at European Level - Challenges in Times of Climate Change and Digitalization
Conference Proceeding
2020 Land Governance from a Mobilities Perspective
Richter, Christine; Derkzen, Marthe; Zoomers, Annelies
Journal Article
2020 Evaluating Some Major Assumptions in Land Registration: Insights from Ghana's Context of Land Tenure and Registration
Abubakari, Zaid; Richter, Christine; Zevenbergen, Jaap
Journal Article
2020 Expert-Amateurs and Smart Citizens: How Digitalization Reconfigures Lima's Water Infrastructure
Hoefsloot, Fenna I.; Martínez, Javier; Richter, Christine; Pfeffer, Karin
Journal Article
2020 The Socio-economic Value of Cultural Heritage
Pollmer, Uta
Conference Paper
2019 Chancen und Herausforderungen von Kooperationen zwischen Forschungseinrichtungen und bürgerwissenschaftlichen Initiativen am Beispiel des Forschungsprojektes "CitizenSensor"
Kaiser, Urban; Möbius, Katrin Tina; Klages, Tina
Conference Paper
2019 Plural Inheritance Laws, Practices and Emergent Types of Property
Abubakari, Zaid; Richter, Christine; Zevenbergen, Jaap
Journal Article
2019 People's strategies for perceived surveillance in Amsterdam Smart City
Jameson, Shazade; Richter, Christine; Taylor, Linnet
Journal Article
2019 Who are the end-use(r)s of smart cities?
Richter, Christine; Taylor, Linnet; Jameson, Shazade; Pulgar, Carmen Pérez del
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2019 Cross-cutting challenges to innovation in land tenure documentation
Lengoiboni, Monica; Richter, Christine; Zevenbergen, Jaap
Journal Article
2019 Innovating Along the Continuum of Land Rights Recognition: Meridia's "Documentation Packages" for Ghana
Salifu, Fuseini W.; Abubakari, Zaid; Richter, Christine
Journal Article
2018 From Base Map to Inductive Mapping
Richter, Christine
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2018 Exploring the "implementation gap" in land registration: How it happens that Ghana's official registry contains mainly leaseholds
Abubakari, Zaid; Richter, Christine; Zevenbergen, Jaap
Journal Article
2017 The Power of Smart Solutions: Knowledge, Citizenship, and the Datafication of Bangalore's Water Supply
Taylor, Linnet; Richter, Christine
Journal Article
2016 Energy Efficiency in European historic urban districts - a practical guidance
2015 Akademisches Unternehmertum aus den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften in Deutschland und Polen
Kehrer, Julian; Friebel, Philip; Roskiewicz, Wojciech; Maicher, Lutz; Kwiecinski, Leszek; Mlodzinska-Granek, Agnieszka
2015 Big Data and Urban Governance
Taylor, Linnet; Richter, Christine
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2015 Value chain thinking and energy projects. A problem-centred value chain approach to energy based upgrading of rice farmers in the Philippines
Beermann, Henrik; Dornberger, Utz; Sebitosi, Ben; Groh, Sebastian; Straeten, Jonas van der
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2015 Przedsiebiorczosc akademicka wywodzaca sie z nauk humanistycznych i spolecznych w Niemczech i w Polsce. Analiza porównawcza (skrót: AKUT-GSW)
Kehrer, Julian; Friebel, Philip; Maicher, Lutz; Roskiewicz, Wojciech; Kwiecinski, Leszek; Mlodzinska-Granek, Agnieszka; Krukowska, Maria; Lewandowska, Aleksandra
2015 Executive Paper - Energieeffizienz an Gebäuden in der Ukraine
Kralyuk, Yevheniya; Pollmer, Uta; Kaiser, Urban
2014 Practices of Legibility Making in Indian Cities
Richter, Christine; Georgiadou, Yola
Journal Article
2014 Built cultural heritage in times of climate change
2013 Executive Paper - Energieeffizienz an Gebäuden in Ungarn
Kaiser, Urban; Jankowska, Karolina
2013 Executive Paper - Energieeffizienz an Gebäuden in Bulgarien
Kaiser, Urban; Jankowska, Karolina
2013 EFFESUS - energy efficiency for EU historic districts sustainability
Rettberg, Britta von; Bürger, Robin; Egusquiza, Aitziber; Gandini, Alessandra; Kaiser, Urban; Lück, Kirsten; Rodriguez-Maribona, Isabel; Schindler, Claudia; Schumacher, Patrick
Conference Paper
2013 Executive Paper - Energieeffizienz an Gebäuden in Polen
Kaiser, Urban; Jankowska, Karolina
2013 Executive Paper - Energieeffizienz an Gebäuden in Tschechien
Kaiser, Urban; Jankowska, Karolina
2013 Executive Paper - Energieeffizienz an Gebäuden in der Slowakei
Kaiser, Urban; Jankowska, Karolina
2013 Executive Paper - Energieeffizienz an Gebäuden in Rumänien
Kaiser, Urban; Jankowska, Karolina
Diese Liste ist ein Auszug aus der Publikationsplattform Fraunhofer-Publica

This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica



Partner in the Morgenstadt initiative: City Insights


Member of the FALKE-Forschungsallianz Kulturerbe (Research Alliance for Cultural Heritage)

Partner in “EIT Urban Mobility”

Member in the Fraunhofer Sustainability Network

Partner in the Climate Navigator


Staff of the Unit