Where am I?
Fraunhofer-Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMWMartin-Luther-Ring 1304109 Leipzig, Germany
Phone +49 341 231039-0
Fax +49 341 231039-190
Reception, currently on parental leave
Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMWMartin-Luther-Ring 1304109 Leipzig, Germany
Head of Editorial Team, Publication Support, Press and Public Relations
Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI - Leipzig branchMartin-Luther-Ring 1304109 Leipzig, Germany
Phone +49 341 231039-250
Fax +49 341 231039-9250
Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMWNeumarkt 9-1904109 Leipzig, Germany
Editorial Staff
Graphic Design
Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI - Leipzig branchMartin-Luther-Ring 1304109 Leipzig