Crowd Innovation Unit
Fraunhofer Crowdfunding Study: Research findings support online workshop on digital citizen participation
How can digital platforms for citizen participation be connected to municipal planning authorities or how can cooperation contribute to the establishment of these platforms? Erik Ackermann, research fellow of the Innovation Financing Unit, shared experiences and findings from the research project "Crowdfunding for municipal projects", which was jointly conducted with the Sächsische Aufbaubank - Förderbank - SAB, at an online workshop on digital participation of citizens on April 23, 2020. The invited experts from the ranks of citizens, municipal administrations and science reflected on success factors and challenges in digital "city making": The research team of the Innovation Financing Unit (since 10/2024: Crowd Innovation Unit) of the Fraunhofer IMW had examined crowdfunding as a promising basis for the (co-)financing of municipal projects in a short study. So far, this form of financing has rarely been used as a strategic instrument for citizen participation. Based on best-practice examples, the researchers have developed a model process to accompany municipal crowdfunding campaigns. In particular, the challenge of involving municipal planning authorities was discussed in the session "Actor and Governance Perspectives". The online workshop was developed by urbanista, one of the most experienced urban development offices in Germany, and the "VHW - Bundesverband für Wohnen und Stadtentwicklung e. V." in the research project "Develop. Financing. Implementing - Urbanization on digital platforms".