Business Models: Engineering and Innovation

Our researchers in the unit Business Models: Engineering and Innovation analyze, design, develop and implement business models. Based on the latest scientific findings, proprietary tools and methods, as well as experience from projects and international benchmarks, the team supports companies in bringing economic success in line with ecological and social sustainability.


This enables our clients to establish a market position that promises long-term success, identify transformation requirements at an early stage while also systematically and continuously improving the strategic orientation of their business models. In doing so, they also benefit from our network of internationally renowned Fraunhofer institutes, where cutting-edge technological research is combined with socio-economic expertise.



Interview with Dr. Daniel Strecker / 14.7.2022

Cross innovations for sustainable business models

"Due to a lack of resources, SMEs in particular tend to focus primarily on their immediate environment and day-to-day operations. In this context, it might be possible to discover new opportunities with suppliers or in the region, and to use them for one's own business model."



Circular economy in family businesses

Family businesses are the driving force behind the transformation to the circular economy. The study was conducted by Fraunhofer institutes together with the 2° Foundation. The researchers compiled the current state of research on the topic, evaluated experiences from entrepreneurial practice and conducted interviews with nearly two dozen companies from the automotive and construction industries.


Workshop "Material Cycles in the Construction Sector" / 22.6.2022

Outcomes of the CIRCONOMY® Day in Berlin

To kick off the CIRCONOMY® Hub Initiative, representatives from politics, the private sector, the service sector and research met in Berlin on June 22, 2022 for CIRCONOMY® Day. In the hybrid-led workshop, around twenty participants discussed current developments and potential opportunities for circular construction.

More events and news

The news are sorted by topicality. The filter allows you to narrow down the time period. To read current news of this group, you can additionally search for it using the keyword "Business Models: Engineering and Innovation".


  • 14.9.2023, Leipzig: AGiL: Werkstatt: Digitale Regionalvermarktung in the context of the REGINA research project
  • 21.9.2023, Leipzig: H2-Forum TÜV Süd on hydrogen refueling infrastructure in the city of Leipzig: for sustainable mobility
  • 21./22.9.23, Leipzig: Eastwood
  • 22.9.23, Eschborn: COPETRI-Circle-Treffen on the topics of transformation and sustainability
  • 27.-29.9.23, Darmstadt: G-Forum
  • 11.10.23, Berlin: ENIQ, Participation in the context of the Fraunhofer Symposium Digitization of the Energy System
  • 25./26.10.23, Berlin: Research Network Hydrogen, Cluster meeting on the topic of sustainable market launch - safety and acceptance (business models)

Mittelstand 4.0 - Competence Center eStandards


Open workshop Leipzig at Fraunhofer IMW

The Open Workshop Leipzig at Fraunhofer IMW offers free training on how to introduce electronic standards in SMEs. .


Publication Type
2023 Fraunhofer CIRCONOMY® Hub »Stoffkreisläufe im Bausektor«
Gramm, Rafael; Schöffel, Josephine
2023 Exploring the automotive transition: A technological and business model perspective
Ziegler, David; Abdelkafi, Nizar
Journal Article
2023 Digitaler Marktplatz für ökologisch erzeugte tierische Lebensmittel. Handlungsfelder für den Aufbau eines digitalen Marktplatzes. Praxisleitfaden
Welz, Juliane; Strecker, Daniel; Kögler, Philipp; Ziegler, David; Rockstroh, Janice; Schmidt, Anja; Reichel, Christiane; Langer, Vivien; Pein, Christian
2023 Regionale Wertschöpfungsketten für ökologische Tier- und Fleischprodukte
Welz, Juliane; Strecker, Daniel; Kögler, Philipp; Ziegler, David; Rockstroh, Janice; Schmidt, Anja; Reichel, Christiane; Langer, Vivien; Pein, Christian
2023 Kooperative Geschäftsmodelle für die Kreislaufwirtschaft. Erfolgsfaktoren für eine zirkuläre, erfolgreiche und kooperative Zusammenarbeit von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen
Ziegler, David; Heinrich, Julian Phillip Jonas; Kilz, Sarah
2022 CARBOrefit® - Strengthening with Carbon Reinforced Concrete - Sustainable, Ressource-Efficient and Durable
May, Maximilian; May, Sebastian; Schumann, Alexander; Schöffel, Josephine
Journal Article
2022 AI-based Business Models in Healthcare: An Empirical Study of Clinical Decision Support Systems
Radic, Marija; Vienken, Claudia; Nikschat, Laurin; Dietrich, Thore; König, Holger; Laderick, Lorenz; Radic, Dubravko
Conference Paper
2022 Faktoren zur Gestaltung von resilienten Geschäftsmodellen – ein Literaturüberblick
Radic, Marija; Haberland, Peter; Vienken, Claudia; Herrmann, Philipp; Riese, Carla Regina
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2022 Bedarf an regionalen Produkten im inhabergeführten Lebensmitteleinzelhandel
Welz, Juliane; Strecker, Daniel; Heinrich, Julian Phillip Jonas; Kögler, Philipp
2022 Regionale Wertschöpfungsorganisation als Wegbereiter für eine resiliente Landwirtschaft? - Erfahrungen aus der Landwirtschaft in Sachsen
Welz, Juliane; Strecker, Daniel
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2022 Reimbursement Systems for Healthcare: Considerations on “Pay for Performance”
Vienken, Claudia; Gatti, Emanuele; Vienken, Joerg
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2022 Von Risiken und Vulnerabilitäten zur Resilienz von Innovationsnetzwerken
Menke, Charlott; Stein, Lisa Theresa; Tangour, Cyrine
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2022 Smart Services und Datensouveränität - Herausforderungen und Erfolgsfaktoren
Radic, Marija; Herrmann, Philipp; Heinrich, Julian; Radic, Dubravko
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2022 Business models for electric vehicles: Literature review and key insights
Ziegler, David; Abdelkafi, Nizar
Journal Article
2021 Ressourceneinsparung mit Carbonbeton. Am Beispiel der Verstärkung der Hyparschale in Magdeburg
Schumann, Alexander; Schöffel, Josephine; May, Sebastian; Schladitz, Frank; Curbach, Manfred
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2021 Circular Economy in Familienunternehmen
Albertsen, Levke; Strack, S.; Vallentin, D.; Maier, Moritz Julian; Menke, Charlott; Schöffel, Josephine; Stein, Lisa Theresa; Hiebel, Markus; Schulte, Anna; Kloberdanz, Sylvia
2021 Wasserstoffperspektiven für Leipzig - Potenzialeinschätzung
Strecker, Daniel; Pothen, Frank; Gerhards, Christoph; Kirschstein, Thomas; Ilse, Klemens; Bard, Jochen; Plaisir, Marie; Naumov, Olga; Friedrich, Christoph
2019 Multi-sided Platforms in the Sharing Economy - a Case Study Analysis for the Development of a Generic Platform
Vienken, Claudia; Abdelkafi, Nizar; Tangour, Cyrine
Conference Paper
2018 The implications of E-mobility for the automotive value chain and business models
Abdelkafi, Nizar; Ziegler, David; Pero, Margherita
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