Dr. Christine Richter

Christine Richter

Contact Press / Media

Dr. Christine Richter

Research Fellow, Innovation Acceptance Unit

Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW
Martin-Luther-Ring 13
04109 Leipzig, Germany

Phone +49 341 231039-238

Fax +49 341 231039-9238


  • Qualitative, ethnographic and geodata-based methodologies
  • Social studies of technology (SST)/Science and Technology Studies (STS)
  • Urban geography


Professional Development

Dr. Christine Richter is a social geographer, who started working in the Innovation Acceptance Unit at Fraunhofer IMW in December 2019. Her research focuses on various aspects of urban transformation, especially on the governance of housing, water infrastructure and land rights, and associated digitalization processes. Using concepts from Science and Technology Studies (STS) as a compass, she also ventures into studies of peri-urban and rural areas from time to time.

Between 2008 and 2019, Christine Richter worked in international applied research projects and education at the University of Amsterdam and the University of Twente (PhD in 2014) in the Netherlands, and prior to that as geodata analyst in government and private industry in Colorado, U.S.A., where she received B.A. and M.A. degrees at the University of Denver. 

In addition, together with Dr. Anna Pohle and Dr. Juliane Welz, she chairs the Fraunhofer IMW Science Colloquium.


Current Projects


The most recent list of publications can be found here.

Publication Type
2023 The datafication of water infrastructure and its implications for (il)legible water consumers
Hoefsloot, Fenna I.; Richter, Christine; Martínez, Javier; Pfeffer, Karin
Journal Article
2021 Initial Insights on Land Adjudication in a Fit-for-Purpose Land Administration
Lengoiboni, Monica; Richter, Christine; Asperen, Paul van; Zevenbergen, Jaap
Journal Article
2021 Auswirkungen der Coronapandemie auf die Entwicklung von Kommunen und Landkreisen in Deutschland
Ottendörfer, Eva; Bieker, Susanne; Kaiser, Urban; Frieling, Hendrik; Gölz, Sebastian; Neumann, Marcel; Guckenbiehl, Pascal; Henze-Sakowsky, Annika; Schmitt, Anna; Richter, Christine; Pollmer, Uta
2020 Making space legible across three normative frames
Abubakari, Zaid; Richter, Christine; Zevenbergen, Jaap
Journal Article
2020 Authenticating Deeds/Organizing Society. Considerations for Blockchain-Based Land Registries
Miscione, Gianluca; Richter, Christine; Ziolkowski, Rafael
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2020 Evaluating Some Major Assumptions in Land Registration: Insights from Ghana's Context of Land Tenure and Registration
Abubakari, Zaid; Richter, Christine; Zevenbergen, Jaap
Journal Article
2020 Expert-Amateurs and Smart Citizens: How Digitalization Reconfigures Lima's Water Infrastructure
Hoefsloot, Fenna I.; Martínez, Javier; Richter, Christine; Pfeffer, Karin
Journal Article
2020 Land Governance from a Mobilities Perspective
Richter, Christine; Derkzen, Marthe; Zoomers, Annelies
Journal Article
2020 Heritage Management Thailand. Report
Richter, Christine; Busse von Colbe, Jakob; Beermann, Henrik; Kaiser, Urban
2019 Plural Inheritance Laws, Practices and Emergent Types of Property
Abubakari, Zaid; Richter, Christine; Zevenbergen, Jaap
Journal Article
2019 People's strategies for perceived surveillance in Amsterdam Smart City
Jameson, Shazade; Richter, Christine; Taylor, Linnet
Journal Article
2019 Innovating Along the Continuum of Land Rights Recognition: Meridia's "Documentation Packages" for Ghana
Salifu, Fuseini W.; Abubakari, Zaid; Richter, Christine
Journal Article
2019 Cross-cutting challenges to innovation in land tenure documentation
Lengoiboni, Monica; Richter, Christine; Zevenbergen, Jaap
Journal Article
2019 Who are the end-use(r)s of smart cities?
Richter, Christine; Taylor, Linnet; Jameson, Shazade; Pulgar, Carmen Pérez del
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2018 From Base Map to Inductive Mapping
Richter, Christine
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2018 Exploring the "implementation gap" in land registration: How it happens that Ghana's official registry contains mainly leaseholds
Abubakari, Zaid; Richter, Christine; Zevenbergen, Jaap
Journal Article
2017 The Power of Smart Solutions: Knowledge, Citizenship, and the Datafication of Bangalore's Water Supply
Taylor, Linnet; Richter, Christine
Journal Article
2015 Big Data and Urban Governance
Taylor, Linnet; Richter, Christine
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2014 Practices of Legibility Making in Indian Cities
Richter, Christine; Georgiadou, Yola
Journal Article
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This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica

Research Day Posters

The Fraunhofer IMW holds an annual Research Day, where the research fellows present their latest research projects. Here you can find the poster presentations of Christine Richter.

Poster Research Day 2020


Living Lab Electro-Micromobility



Report: Heritage Management Thailand – Fraunhofer IMW Researchers Publish Report as Part of the URGENT 2.0 Project