Dr. Benjamin Klement

Benjamin  Klement

Contact Press / Media

Dr. Benjamin Klement

Head of Innovative Regions Unit

Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI - Leipzig branch
Martin-Luther-Ring 13
04109 Leipzig, Germany

Phone +49 341 231039-240

Fax +49 341 231039-9240

Areas of Expertise

  • Indicators for innovations in the creative economy
  • Network analysis and statistics
  • Knowledge bases and knowledge dynamics
  • Evolutionary economic geography


Professional Development

Since July 2023 Dr. Benjamin Klement is head of the Innovative Regions Unit  (from January 1, 2025, part of Fraunhofer ISI). He joined the Fraunhofer IMW Innovation Policy and Transfer Design Unit as a research fellow in February 2018. He completed his PhD at Philipps-Universität Marburg in the field of economic geography. In his dissertation on »Cumulative and Combinatorial Knowledge Dynamics: Their Role For Continuity and Change In Regional Path Development«, he analyzed to what extent and precisely how the specialization and combination of regional knowledge bases promote the adaptation of regional economies to technical and social changes. 


Publication Type
2023 Die These: Plattformen (zer)stören die lokale Musikindustrie und machen es Künstler*innen unmöglich, von ihrer Musik zu leben
Braunschweig, Björn; Klement, Benjamin
Journal Article
2023 Musik ist überall, aber wo ist sie wirklich?
Braunschweig, Björn; Klement, Benjamin
2022 Schlüsseltechnologien und technologische Zukunftsfelder in Ostdeutschland. Endbericht
Stehnken, Thomas; Aminova, Elena; Klement, Benjamin; Dornbusch, Friedrich; Mittenzwei, Max
2022 Potenzialstudie Grüne Gase. Analyse und Bewertung der Potenziale Grüner Gase in der Innovationsregion Mitteldeutschland
Kutz, Christopher; Bünger, Ulrich; Weindorf, Werner; Reichelt, Lutz; Moll, Johannes; Schultz, Reinhard; Schultz, David; Kirchner, Ron; Dinse, Caroline; Klingl, Stephan; Pothen, Frank; Borovskikh, Pavel; Ventz, Hannah; Samartzidis, Lasare; Klement, Benjamin; Schubert, Lisa; Klöppelt, Christian; Bergander, Stefan; Renno, Juliane
2021 Kompetenz- und Innovationsanalyse der Region Düsseldorf - Kreis Mettmann zum Strukturwandel im Rheinischen Revier
Kahl, Julian; Klement, Benjamin; Dornbusch, Friedrich
2021 Düsseldorf - Kreis Mettmann. Kompetenz- und Innovationsanalyse zum Strukturwandel im Rheinischen Revier. Kurzfassung
Kahl, Julian; Klement, Benjamin; Dornbusch, Friedrich
2021 Innovationsstudie 2021. Leuchttürme im Rheinischen Revier
Dornbusch, Friedrich; Klement, Benjamin; Kahl, Julian; Molina Vogelsang, Manuel; Köller, Christoph; Görgen, Walter; Nahl, Bettina van; Pinter, Joseph
2020 Begleitende Evaluation des Modellvorhabens "ZIM-Kooperationsnetzwerke International" sowie Untersuchung der Förderung von internationaler Zusammenarbeit bei Forschung und Entwicklung (FuE) im Zentralen Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand (ZIM). Abschlussbericht (Kurzfassung)
Berger, Florian; Biela, Jan; Merkl, Fiona; Kahl, Julian; Klement, Benjamin; Dornbusch, Friedrich
2019 Innovation in Creative Industries: Does (Related) Variety Matter for the Creativity of Urban Music Scenes?
Klement, Benjamin; Strambach, Simone
Journal Article
2019 How do new music genres emerge? Diversification processes in symbolic knowledge bases
Klement, Benjamin; Strambach, Simone
Journal Article
2018 Potentialanalyse Gravomere
Roskiewicz, Wojciech; Kahl, Julian; Klement, Benjamin; Dornbusch, Friedrich; Ebert, Philipp
2018 Cumulative and combinatorial knowledge dynamics: Their role for continuity and change in regional path development
Klement, Benjamin
Doctoral Thesis
2018 Auswertung nationaler und internationaler Erfahrungen zum Strukturwandel. Abschlussbericht
Dominguez Lacasa, Iciar; Klement, Benjamin; Dornbusch, Friedrich
2017 Relatedness and innovation in urban music scenes: The evolution of symbolic knowledge spaces, 1970-2015
Klement, Benjamin; Strambach, S.
2016 Resilienz aus wirtschaftsgeographischer Perspektive: Impulse eines "neuen" Konzepts
Strambach, Simone; Klement, Benjamin
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2013 Exploring plasticity in the development path of the automotive industry in Baden-Württemberg. The role of combinatorial knowledge dynamics
Strambach, Simone; Klement, Benjamin
Journal Article
Diese Liste ist ein Auszug aus der Publikationsplattform Fraunhofer-Publica

This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica

Further Talks and Conference Contributions



  • Klement, B. (2020). Versteckte Innovationen finden mit digitalen sozialen Daten - Die Analyse von Resonanzindikatoren in der Kreativwirtschaft. IAT Kolloquium. Institut für Arbeitswissenschaft und Technologiemanagement, Gelsenkirchen. 17.9.2020.
  • Klement, B. (2020). Innovation in Creative Industries: Does (Related) Variety Matter for the Creativity of Urban Music Scenes? Wissenschaftskolloquium des Fraunhofer IMW. 18.2.2020.
  • Molina Vogelsang, M.; Klement, B. (2020). Assessing Complementarities in International R&D Networks: Does Relatedness Matter for the Design of International Innovation Policies? – An explorative Study. 5th Geography of Innovation Conference, UiS Business School. University of Stavanger. 31.1.2020.
  • Klement, B. (2020). Resonance Indicators - Analyzing Hidden Innovation with Digital Social Data. 5th Geography of Innovation Conference, UiS Business School. University of Stavanger. 30.1.2020.


  • Klement, B. (2020). International Cooperation in Research and Innovation: Does Relatedness Matter for the Design of International Innovation Policies?. 2ndAnnual Conference on the Geography of Innovation & Complexity, Utrecht, NL. 2. 4.9.2020.


  • Klement, B. (2018). Cumulative and Combinatorial Knowledge Dynamics. Their Role For Continuity and Change in Regional Path Development. Philipps University Marburg, 16.05.2018.


  • Klement, B. (2017). Symbolisches Wissen messen. Das Beispiel Musik. Guest lecture. Philipps University Marburg, 19.12.2017.

Annual Report 2020-2022

The Annual Report 2020-2022: "From strategic foresight to successful transformation" focuses on Socio- and techno-economic research and innovations for companies, networks and regions. In this section you can find the projects and research areas in which Dr. Benjamin Klement is involved as a scientist.


Shaping the future – Regional development as an opportunity

Annual Report 2020-2022

I recent years the research team of the "Regional Development and Innovation Policy" division, including Dr. Benjamin Klement, has investigated several regional, national and international structural change processes and derived options for action for the future.

The main topic "Shaping the future - Regional transformation as an opportunity" in the Fraunhofer IMW Annual Report 2020-2022 provides an insight into our research and current issues.


Annual Report 2020-2022

From strategic foresight to successful transformation

The Fraunhofer IMW Annual Report presents socio- and techno-economic research and innovations for companies, networks and regions