Dr. Juliane Welz

Juliane Welz

Contact Press / Media

Dr. Juliane Welz

Deputy Head of Knowledge and Technology Transfer Division, Head of Futures and Innovation Unit

Fraunhofer-Zentrum für Internationales Management und Wissensökonomie IMW
Martin-Luther-Ring 13
04109 Leipzig, Germany

Phone +49 341 231039-162

Fax +49 341 231039-9162

Areas of Expertise

  • Futurology
  • Social and environmental sciences technology research
  • Knowledge transfer and participation processes
  • Transdisciplinary knowledge integration
  • Quantitive and qualitive methods for social research


Professional Development

Dr. Juliane Welz is head of the »Futures and Innovation Unit« at Fraunhofer IMW. She studied geography at Leipzig University and completed her doctorate in the field of human geography at the University of Hamburg (2012). From 2007 to 2016, she worked as a research fellow at the Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research (UFZ) in the Department of Urban and Environmental Sociology, where she dealt with social and environmental issues in an international context, urban transformations in megacities in Latin America, and urban vulnerability and adaptation to climate change. Dr. Welz has many years of experience working in inter-and transdiciplinary research cooperation. Since July 2017 she has been working in the Futures and Innovation Unit (until 5/2023: Professionalizing Knowledge Transfer Processes Unit) at Fraunhofer IMW. Her current scope of activities focuses on the development of future knowledge in interdisciplinary technology research at the intersection of society and environment, and combines this research with methodological foresight tools as well as knowledge and technology transfer. Relevant technological fields include additive-generative manufacturing, machine learning, and space travel. Since November 2024 Dr. Welz is also Deputy Head of the »Knowledge and Technology Transfer« Division of Fraunhofer IMW. In addition, together with Dr. Anna Pohle and Dr. Christine Richter, she chairs the Fraunhofer IMW Science Colloquium.


Current Projects


Completed Projects


Publication Type
2024 Mapping varieties of farmers’ experience in the digital transformation: a new perspective on transformative dynamics
Knitsch, Valentin; Daniel, Lea; Welz, Juliane
Journal Article
2023 Gestaltung von Zukünften durch Nutzung von visionären Zielbildern
Welz, Juliane; Kosinski, Jörg
Conference Paper
2023 Regionale Wertschöpfungsketten für ökologische Tier- und Fleischprodukte
Welz, Juliane; Strecker, Daniel; Kögler, Philipp; Ziegler, David; Rockstroh, Janice; Schmidt, Anja; Reichel, Christiane; Langer, Vivien; Pein, Christian
2023 Digitaler Marktplatz für ökologisch erzeugte tierische Lebensmittel. Handlungsfelder für den Aufbau eines digitalen Marktplatzes. Praxisleitfaden
Welz, Juliane; Strecker, Daniel; Kögler, Philipp; Ziegler, David; Rockstroh, Janice; Schmidt, Anja; Reichel, Christiane; Langer, Vivien; Pein, Christian
2022 Wissensflüsse und Informationsbedarfe für die digitale Transformation im Obst- und Weinbau
Knitsch, Valentin; Welz, Juliane; Rockstroh, Janice
2022 Bedarf an regionalen Produkten im inhabergeführten Lebensmitteleinzelhandel
Welz, Juliane; Strecker, Daniel; Heinrich, Julian Phillip Jonas; Kögler, Philipp
2022 Resilienz für die Zukunft von Wertschöpfungsnetzwerken
2022 Die Bedeutung von qualitativen Forschungszugängen für den Wissenstransfer in Experimentierfeldern
Knitsch, Valentin; Welz, Juliane
Conference Paper
2022 Regionale Wertschöpfungsorganisation als Wegbereiter für eine resiliente Landwirtschaft? - Erfahrungen aus der Landwirtschaft in Sachsen
Welz, Juliane; Strecker, Daniel
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2022 Wissenstransfer im Forschungsprojekt EXPRESS
Knitsch, Valentin; Grass, Rikard; Mollenhauer, Hannes; Krug, Silvia; Hutschenreuther, Tino; Welz, Juliane
Journal Article
2021 Identifying future trends by podcast mining: An explorative approach for Web-based horizon scanning
Welz, Juliane; Riemer, Annamaria; Döbel, Inga; Dakkak, Nora; Schwartzenberg, Anna Sophie von
Journal Article
2021 EXPerimentierfeld zur datengetRiebenen VErnetzung und DigitaliSierung in der LandwirtSchaft (EXPRESS)
Römer, Ingolf; Schieck, Martin; Mollenhauer, Hannes; Graß, Rikard; Krug, Silvia; Welz, Juliane; Knitsch, Valentin
Conference Paper
2021 Digitale Affinität und Einsatz von digitalen Technologien im Wein- und Obstbau in Mitteldeutschland
Knitsch, Valentin; Welz, Juliane
2021 How Are Urban Green Spaces and Residential Development Related? A Synopsis of Multi-Perspective Analyses for Leipzig, Germany
Schwarz, Nina; Haase, Annegret; Haase, Dagmar; Kabisch, Nadja; Kabisch, Sigrun; Liebelt, Veronika; Rink, Dieter; Strohbach, Michael W.; Welz, Juliane; Wolff, Manuel
Journal Article
2020 Ein visionäres Zielbild für Obst- und Weinbau
Welz, Juliane; Knitsch, Valentin; Riemer, Annamaria
2020 Wasserstressmonitoring durch digitale Technologien
Welz, Juliane
2019 Foresight Fraunhofer
Ganz, Walter; Hermann, Sibylle; Ardilio, Antonino; Keicher, Lukas; Schletz, Alexander; Schirrmeister, Elna; Meissner, Svetlana; Maloca, Spomenka; Moller, Björn; Jovanovic, Milos; Schulte, Anna Julia; Grüne, Matthias; Bantes, René; Welz, Juliane; Riemer, Annamaria; Döbel, Inga
2019 Foresight Fraunhofer
2019 Drei Zukunftsszenarien. Additive Fertigung im Jahr 2025 in Deutschland
Riemer, Annamaria; Döbel, Inga; Welz, Juliane; Knitsch, Valentin; Bergmann, André; Giebitz, Danny; Schüll, Elmar
2018 Maschinelles Lernen. Eine Analyse zu Kompetenzen, Forschung und Anwendung
Döbel, Inga; Leis, M.; Molina Vogelsang, Manuel; Neustroev, D.; Petzka, Henning; Riemer, A.; Rüping, Stefan; Voß, Angelika; Wegele, M.; Welz, Juliane
2018 Künstliche Intelligenz - Eine Einordnung
Posselt, Thorsten; Döbel, Inga; Molina Vogelsang, Manuel; Preissler, Steffen; Riemer, Annamaria; Welz, Juliane
Journal Article
2018 Resilience, adaptation and transformation: Conceptual and empirical insights from two case studies in Germany and Chile
Kuhlicke, Christian; Krellenberg, Kerstin; Welz, Juliane
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2018 Adapting built-up areas to climate change. Assessment of effects and feasibility of adaptation measures on heat hazard
Welz, Juliane; Hertel, Daniel; Krellenberg, Kerstin; Schlink, Uwe
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2017 Urban vulnerability and the contribution of socio-environmental fragmentation: Theoretical and methodological pathways
Krellenberg, Kerstin; Welz, Juliane; Link, Felipe; Barth, Katrin
Journal Article
2017 Zuzugsmagnet Grossstadt - Profile aktueller Zuwanderer. Das Beispiel Leipzig
Welz, Juliane; Haase, Annegret; Kabisch, Sigrun
Journal Article
2017 Energiekosten und Wohnstandortentscheidungen: Neue Treiber für sozialräumliche Segregationsprozesse?
Welz, Juliane; Großmann, Katrin
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2017 Assessing urban vulnerability in the context of flood and heat hazard: Pathways and challenges for indicator-based analysis
Krellenberg, Kerstin; Welz, Juliane
Journal Article
2017 Cambio climático, vulnerabilidad urbana y adaptación a nivel municipal. Santiago de Chile y otras ciudades de América Latina
Diese Liste ist ein Auszug aus der Publikationsplattform Fraunhofer-Publica

This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica

Annual Report 2020-2022

The Annual Report 2020-2022: "From strategic foresight to successful transformation" focuses on Socio- and techno-economic research and innovations for companies, networks and regions. In this section you can find the projects and research areas in which Dr. Juliane Welz is involved as a researcher.


Building bridges – Knowledge transfer between business and reasearch

Annual Report 2020-2022

Small and medium-sized companies depend on cooperation with scientists. In recent years, researchers of Fraunhofer IMW, including Dr. Juliane Welz, have investigated how companies can find the right research insights and how researchers can find the right industrial partners - also internationally - to jointly explore new value creation potentials.

The main topic "Building bridges - Knowledge transfer between business and research" in the Fraunhofer IMW Annual Report 2020-2022 provides an insight into our research and current issues.


Annual Report 2020-2022

From strategic foresight to successful transformation

The Fraunhofer IMW Annual Report presents socio- and techno-economic research and innovations for companies, networks and regions

Annual Report 2020-2022

Fraunhofer IMW researchers, including Dr. Juliane Welz, have investigated which parameters contribute to the resilience of companies and organizations. They have developed practical solutions for more entrepreneurial resilience - and analyzed the potential of the circular economy for resilient value creation.

The main topic "Crisis resistant - Resilience as a success factor" in the Fraunhofer IMW annual report 2020-2022 provides an insight into our research and current issues.


Crisis resistant – Resilience as a success factor


Spotlights of Tomorrow - “Foresight-Fraunhofer” project