Dr. Friedrich Dornbusch

Friedrich Dornbusch

Contact Press / Media

Dr. Friedrich Dornbusch

Head of Regional Development and Innovation Policy Division

Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI - Leipzig branch
Martin-Luther-Ring 13
04109 Leipzig, Germany

Phone +49 341 231039-401

Fax +49 341 231039-9401

Areas of Expertise

  • Knowledge and technology transfer
  • Innovation and technology policy
  • Knowledge-based regional development


Professional development

Dr. Friedrich Dornbusch joined the Fraunhofer IMW in November 2014 and has been head of the Regional Transformation and Innovation Policy Division since May 2021. Previously, he was head of the Innovation Policy and Transfer Design Unit at Fraunhofer IMW. Until October 2014, he was a research associate and doctoral student at the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI. Friedrich studied Economic Geography and Economics at Hanover University. In his doctoral thesis on »Determinants of Academics' Engagement in the Region and in University-Industry Interactions - New evidence based on survey and patent data«, he examined the determinants of the collaboration between researchers and companies, and their quantitative measurability. He contributes extensive project experience in the areas of knowledge and technology transfer, the development of the respective patent statistical and bibliometric indicators and the evaluation of policy funding programs. Since January 2015, Friedrich is also research fellow in the field of Innovation Economics at the Technical University of Berlin.




Teaching activities

Seminar »National innovation system theory and empirical data«


Publication Type
2022 Wie Europa seine digitale Souveränität wiederherstellen kann
Kreutzer, Stephan; Molina Vogelsang, Manuel
2022 Schlüsseltechnologien und technologische Zukunftsfelder in Ostdeutschland. Endbericht
Stehnken, Thomas; Aminova, Elena; Klement, Benjamin; Dornbusch, Friedrich; Mittenzwei, Max
2021 Praxis-Guide: Eine grundlegende Prozess- und Modellbetrachtung zur Entscheidung zwischen verschiedenen Verwertungswegen wissenschaftlicher Forschungsergebnisse
Pohle, Anna; Dornbusch, Friedrich
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2021 Kompetenz- und Innovationsanalyse der Region Düsseldorf - Kreis Mettmann zum Strukturwandel im Rheinischen Revier
Kahl, Julian; Klement, Benjamin; Dornbusch, Friedrich
2021 Düsseldorf - Kreis Mettmann. Kompetenz- und Innovationsanalyse zum Strukturwandel im Rheinischen Revier. Kurzfassung
Kahl, Julian; Klement, Benjamin; Dornbusch, Friedrich
2021 Innovationsstudie 2021. Leuchttürme im Rheinischen Revier
Dornbusch, Friedrich; Klement, Benjamin; Kahl, Julian; Molina Vogelsang, Manuel; Köller, Christoph; Görgen, Walter; Nahl, Bettina van; Pinter, Joseph
2021 How to Find New Industry Partners for Public Research: A Classification Approach
Trela, Karl; Campbell, Yuri; Dornbusch, Friedrich; Pohle, Anna
Journal Article
2021 Ausgründungen aus der außeruniversitären Forschung: Gründungsdynamik und Erfolgsbedingungen im Ost-West-Vergleich
Kahl, Julian; Dornbusch, Friedrich; Pohle, Anna; Trela, Karl; Weiße, Marlen
2020 Begleitende Evaluation des Modellvorhabens "ZIM-Kooperationsnetzwerke International" sowie Untersuchung der Förderung von internationaler Zusammenarbeit bei Forschung und Entwicklung (FuE) im Zentralen Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand (ZIM). Abschlussbericht (Kurzfassung)
Berger, Florian; Biela, Jan; Merkl, Fiona; Kahl, Julian; Klement, Benjamin; Dornbusch, Friedrich
2018 Potentialanalyse Gravomere
Roskiewicz, Wojciech; Kahl, Julian; Klement, Benjamin; Dornbusch, Friedrich; Ebert, Philipp
2018 Global competition in microelectronics industry from a European perspective: Technology, markets and implications for industrial policy
Dornbusch, Friedrich
2018 Auswertung nationaler und internationaler Erfahrungen zum Strukturwandel. Abschlussbericht
Dominguez Lacasa, Iciar; Klement, Benjamin; Dornbusch, Friedrich
2017 Beschäftigungseffekte in Deutschland durch Leichtbau im Automobilbereich
Abdelkafi, Nizar; Pohle, Anna; Täuscher, Karl; Dornbusch, Friedrich; Gaska, Philip; Dani, Ines; Hipke, Thomas; Drebenstedt, Claudia
2016 Die Bedeutung der Fraunhofer Gesellschaft für den deutschen Mittelstand : eine Bestandsaufnahme und Empfehlungen zur Intensivierung der Zusammenarbeit
Dornbusch, Friedrich; Lehmann, Harald; Pohle, Anna; Radic, Marija; Knorr, Hannes; Liebig, Marcel; Neustroev, Dmitry; Schellbach, Sebastian; Ziessnitz, Mark
2016 Universities' regional involvement in Germany: How academics' objectives and opportunity shape choices of activity
Kroll, Henning; Dornbusch, Friedrich; Schnabl, Esther
Journal Article
2016 Evaluation der Verbundforschung im Bereich der "Naturwissenschaftlichen Grundlagenforschung". Endbericht
Dornbusch, Friedrich; Schmitz, Velina; Heimer, Thomas; Tafreschi, Darjusch; Treperman, Jérôme; Schulte, Anna-Julia; Notthoff, Claudia
2015 Composition of inventor teams and technological progress - the role of collaboration between academia and industry
Dornbusch, Friedrich; Neuhäusler, Peter
Journal Article
2013 The organizational and regional determinants of interregional collaborations - Academic inventors as bridging agents
Dornbusch, Friedrich; Proff, Sidonina von; Brenner, Thomas
2011 Maßnahmen und Erfahrungen der EXIST III geförderten Gründungsinitiativen in den Bereichen Ideengenerierung, Beratung, Qualifizierung, Sensibilisierung, Inkubation und Alumni-Einbindung
Kulicke, Marianne; Dornbusch, Friedrich; Schleinkofer, Michael
Diese Liste ist ein Auszug aus der Publikationsplattform Fraunhofer-Publica

This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica

Further Conference Contributions


  • Campbell, Y.; Prilop, M.; Trela, K. (2018). A ubiquitous indicator for industry-partner selection: Semantic similarity. University-Industry Interaction Conference 2018. London. 22.6.2018.
  • Dornbusch, F.; Pohle, A. (2018). Selecting the right commercialization channel in public research organizations: Development of a decision tree. University Industry Interaction Conference 2018 London. 22.6.2018.

Jahresbericht 2020-2022

The Annual Report 2020-2022: "From strategic foresight to successful transformation" focuses on Socio- and techno-economic research and innovations for companies, networks and regions. In this section you can find the projects and research areas in which Dr. Friedrich Dornbusch is involved as a researcher.


Shaping the future – Regional development as an opportunity

Annual Report 2020-2022

I recent years the research team of the "Regional Development and Innovation Policy" division, headed by Dr. Friedrich Dornbusch, has investigated several regional, national and international structural change processes and derived options for action for the future.

The main topic "Shaping the future - Regional transformation as an opportunity" in the Fraunhofer IMW Annual Report 2020-2022 provides an insight into our research and current issues.


Annual Report 2020-2022

From strategic foresight to successful transformation

The Fraunhofer IMW Annual Report presents socio- and techno-economic research and innovations for companies, networks and regions

"Knowledge exchange is one of the most important elements of successful innovation processes" – Interview with Dr. Friedrich Dornbusch