Dr. Daniela Pufky-Heinrich

Daniela Pufky-Heinrich

Contact Press / Media

Dr. Daniela Pufky-Heinrich

Head of Department

Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems IKTS
Leipziger Straße 70/71
06108 Halle (Saale), Germany

Areas of Expertise

  • Technology development and design in the fields of chemistry, energy industry and biotechnology
  • Bioeconomy and circular economy
  • Sustainable environmental and resource technologies
  • Techno-economic evaluation of products and production processes



Dr. Daniela Pufky-Heinrich has been Head of the Department of  Economics of Technology and Management at the Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economics IMW since May 2021.

Previously, Dr. Daniela Pufky-Heinrich was Head of Research and Development at a chemical and energy company in Central Germany. It was here where she dealt with issues related to innovation development and the establishment of new business units. From 2008 to 2019, she established the Chemical Processes group of the Fraunhofer Center for Chemical-Biotechnological Processes CBP in Leuna at the Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology IGB and headed the innovation field 'Regenerative Resources' across all sites. There she worked in projects on the material use of biogenic residues and waste materials, green hydrogen and the implementation of biorefinery concepts in existing production processes.

Dr. Pufky-Heinrich studied chemistry at Friedrich Schiller University of Jena and at the University of Northumbria in Newcastle, Great Britain. She subsequently completed her doctorate in technical chemistry at the Ruprecht Karls University in Heidelberg in collaboration with the Karlsruhe Research Center.


Publication Type
2022 Prospects and opportunities for Eastern Germany for a competitive hydrogen economy
Brock, Laura Victoria; Ventz, Hannah; Growitsch, Christian; Pufky-Heinrich, Daniela
Journal Article
2022 Green hydrogen as a key enabler for the bioeconomy
Pufky-Heinrich, Daniela
Journal Article
2021 Platform and fine chemicals from woody biomass: Demonstration and assessment of a novel biorefinery
Nitzsche, R.; Gröngröft, A.; Köchermann, J.; Meisel, K.; Etzold, H.; Verges, Marlen; Bachmann, J.; Leschinsky, Moritz; Saake, B.; Torkler, Sandra; Rößiger, B.; Patzsch, Katja; Pufky-Heinrich, D.; Unkelbach, Gerd
Journal Article
2021 Kinetic modeling of the continuous hydrothermal base catalyzed depolymerization of pine wood based kraft lignin in pilot scale
Bernhardt, Justin; Rößiger, Björn; Hahn, Thomas; Pufky-Heinrich, Daniela
Journal Article
2020 Valorization of Lignin via Oxidative Depolymerization with Hydrogen Peroxide: Towards Carboxyl-Rich Oligomeric Lignin Fragments
Junghans, U.; Bernhardt, J.J.; Wollnik, R.; Triebert, D.; Unkelbach, G.; Pufky-Heinrich, D.
Journal Article
2019 Bioraffineriekonzepte: Mehr erreichen, ohne zu pressen
Pufky-Heinrich, Daniela; Steffler, Fabian; Börner, Gunter
Journal Article
2019 Bio-Based Epoxy Resins Based on Linseed Oil Cured with Naturally Occurring Acids
Thiele, K.; Eversmann, N.; Krombholz, A.; Pufky-Heinrich, D.
Journal Article
2018 Feasibilty study on the etherification of fermentative-produced isobutylene to fully renewable ethyl tert-buytl ether (ETBE)
Tretbar, Maik; Witzel, Thomsen; Hauffe, Anika; Junghans, Ulrike; Bulc, Ales; Pufky-Heinrich, Daniela
Journal Article
2018 Neue Produkte aus Ölsaaten - Der Weg zu innovativen Bioraffineriekonzepten
Steffler, Fabian; Börner, Gunter; Pufky-Heinrich, Daniela
Journal Article
2018 Base-catalyzed depolymerization of lignin: History, challenges and perspectives
Rößiger, Björn; Unkelbach, Gerd; Pufky-Heinrich, Daniela
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2018 From wood to resin - identifying sustainability levers through hotspotting lignin valorisation pathways
Lettner, Miriam; Solt, Pia; Rößiger, Björn; Pufky-Heinrich, Daniela; Jääskeläinen, Anna-Stiina; Schwarzbauer, Peter; Hesser, Franziska
Journal Article
2018 Ethanolische native Extraktion geschälter Rapssaat
Steffler, Fabian; Franke, Sandra; Röver, Robert; Piór, A.; Börner, Gunter; Pufky-Heinrich, Daniela
Journal Article
2017 Süße Additive. Biobasierte Benzinzusatzstoffe
Pufky-Heinrich, Daniela; Bulc, Ale
Internet Contribution
2017 Production of Bio-Phenols for Industrial Application
Rößiger, B.; Röver, R.; Unkelbach, G.; Pufky-Heinrich, D.
Journal Article
2016 Process scale-up for the production of bioaromatic compounds from lignin
Pufky-Heinrich, Daniela; Rößiger, Björn; Röver, Robert; Unkelbach, Gerd
Journal Article
2014 Aromatische Molekülbausteine aus Lignin
Pufky-Heinrich, D.; Unkelbach, G.
Journal Article
2012 Neue Strategien - Holz als Rohstoff für die chemische Industrie
Pufky-Heinrich, D.; Leschinsky, Moritz; Unkelbach, G.
Journal Article
2010 Nanopartikel-Enzym-Konjugate für die Entwicklung von Biosensoren
Pufky-Heinrich, D.; Weber, A.
Journal Article
2010 Evaluation of gelatin-based cell substrates and 3D microstructuring by multiphoton polymerization
Hoch, Eva; Engelhardt, S.; Pufky-Heinrich, D.; Kluger, Petra; Hirth, Thomas; Tovar, G.; Borchers, K.
2010 Photocrosslinking and 3D microstructuring of gelatin for the generation of substrates for artificial cartilage
Hoch, Eva; Engelhardt, S.; Pufky-Heinrich, D.; Kluger, Petra; Hirth, Thomas; Tovar, G.; Borchers, K.
2009 Biomimetic nanoparticles providing molecularly defined binding sites - protein-featuring structures versus molecularly imprinted polymers
Borchers, K.; Genov, S.; Gruber-Traub, C.; Niedergall, K.; Plankalayil, J.; Pufky-Heinrich, D.; Riegler, J.; Schreiber, T.; Tovar, G.E.M.; Weber, A.; Wojciukiewicz, D.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
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Talks and Conference Contributions


  • Pufky-Heinrich, D. (2023). Wissens- und Technologietransfer für eine erfolgreiche Wasserstoffwirtschaft – neue Chancen für etablierte Industrien. INTEC Messe Leipzig, Fachforum Fuel Cell Hub – Wertschöpfung durch Wasserstoff. Leipzig, 8.3.2023.


Annual Report 2020-2022

The Annual Report 2020-2022: "From strategic foresight to successful transformation" focuses on Socio- and techno-economic research and innovations for companies, networks and regions. In this section you can find the projects and research areas in which Dr. Daniela Pufky-Heinrich is involved as a scientist.


Shaping the future – Regional development as an opportunity

Jahresbericht 2020-2022

Regions, entire industries, politics and society are faced with the task of making the transition to a resource-conserving way of working and living. However difficult it may be, this transformation process offers opportunities. In recent years scientists at Fraunhofer IMW, including Dr. Daniela Pufky-Heinrich, have therefore studied several regional, national and international structural change processes and innovation systems.

The main topic "Shaping the future - Regional transformation as an opportunity" in the Fraunhofer IMW Annual Report 2020-2022 provides an insight into our research and current issues.


Annual Report 2020-2022

From strategic foresight to successful transformation

The Fraunhofer IMW Annual Report presents socio- and techno-economic research and innovations for companies, networks and regions


Interview with Division Head Dr. Daniela Pufky-Heinrich, contact person for hydrogen projects at Fraunhofer IMW. / 17.5.2022

"The green hydrogen economy is exemplary for the changing value networks. Thus, scientific methods and expertise, e.g. in the area of modeling of material and energy networks, data and platform economics, or acceptance research, are being developed specifically to meet the needs of the stakeholders in the green hydrogen industry."