Learning location cooperation (LLC) between vocational schools and training companies is an important success factor in vocational training. The precursor initiative “BloK” demonstrated that there is still potential for digitization in the field of LLC in vocational training. Through the “DiBBloK” joint project, an interdisciplinary research team is currently identifying drivers and obstacles to digitization processes in management and organizational structures involved in vocational training. Their aim is to develop starting points and potential for digital innovation across organizations.
Fraunhofer IMW's Professional Development and Competence Management Unit focuses on the learning location of training organizations. The team researches future demand for digital competencies in the dual training system and in companies’ daily work.
- Examining the didactic, technological, and organizational framework conditions of LLC
- Performing a secondary analysis of user data in the online report portfolio and developing an indicator system for identifying pioneers in digitized LLC
- Recognizing case-specific conditions of success in digitized LLC
- Developing transfer approaches for stakeholders in vocational education and training and in other educational contexts
Project partners:
- Chair of Educational Technology at the Institute of Vocational Education and Vocational Didactics at TU Dresden
- TU Dresden Media Center
- Chair of Media Informatics at the Faculty of Design at FH Dresden
- BPS Bildungsportal Sachsen GmbH (Education Portal Saxony)
Project duration: 3/1/2019 – 2/28/2022