Lisa Theresa Stein

Areas of expertise

  • Innovation Management
  • Value creation and business models
  • Digital Transformation
  • Standardization



Since August 2021, Theresa Stein has been working as a research fellow in the Digital Health Unit (until 06/2022: Price and Service Management Unit) at the Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW in Leipzig. Prior to that, she was working as a research assistant in the Business Models: Engineering and Innovation Unit since 2017.

Theresa Stein studied business administration (Master of Science) at the Leipzig University. During her master's studies, she focused her interests on the digitization of business models and in particular within the healthcare sector.


Current projects


Publication Type
2023 Data Marketplaces: Value Drivers and Pricing Approaches of Data
Radic, Marija; Herrmann, Philipp; Stein, Lisa Theresa; Kleine, Simon
Conference Paper
2022 Von Risiken und Vulnerabilitäten zur Resilienz von Innovationsnetzwerken
Menke, Charlott; Stein, Lisa Theresa; Tangour, Cyrine
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2021 Circular Economy in Familienunternehmen
Albertsen, Levke; Strack, S.; Vallentin, D.; Maier, Moritz Julian; Menke, Charlott; Schöffel, Josephine; Stein, Lisa Theresa; Hiebel, Markus; Schulte, Anna; Kloberdanz, Sylvia
2020 Relevanz der Normung und Standardisierung für den Wissens- und Technologietransfer. Kurzstudie
Herrmann, Philipp; Blind, Knut; Abdelkafi, Nizar; Gruber, Sonia; Hoffmann, Walburga; Neuhäusler, Peter; Pohle, Anna; Stein, Lisa Theresa; Weiße, Marlen
2019 Teaching standards in the digital world
Abdelkafi, Nizar; Bolla, Raffaele; Lanting, Cees; Mulligan, Ultan; Rodriguez-Ascaso, Alejandro; Stein, Lisa Theresa; Wetterwald, Michelle
Journal Article
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