Dr. Diana Worms

Diana Worms

Contact Press / Media

Dr. Diana Worms

Head of Institute Management Staff, Head of Organizational Development and Quality Management Unit

Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW
Martin-Luther-Ring 13
04109 Leipzig, Germany

Phone +49 341 231039-165

Fax +49 341 231039-9165

Areas of Expertise

  • Scientific systems system and science management
  • Innovation policy
  • Sustainability management
  • Innovation behavior in SMEs



Dr. Diana Worms has been a research fellow and consultant to the Institute's Director since October 2017. Dr. Worms received her PhD in political science from the University of Konstanz in 2010 with a thesis discussing the distribution of competencies in the European multi-level system. Since then, she has held various positions in the field of science-policy and science-management. Initially, she was a Research Assistant and Office Manager for a member of the German Bundestag. From 2011, she worked as a Research Policy Officer with a focus on country relations in the general administration of the Max Planck Society. In 2014, she moved to the newly created Science Policy Department at Fraunhofer headquarters as a Desk Officer, where she most recently served as Deputy Head of the Office of the High-Tech Forum appointed by the German federal government to develop recommendations for the implementation and further development of the High-Tech Strategy. Among other things, she was involved in the process of developing strategic guidelines for future innovation policy and supervised the expert forums “Effectiveness of the Innovation System and Innovative Strength of SMEs“ and “Sustainable Management“.


Publication Type
2021 Innovation und COVID-19: Impulse für die Zukunft der Innovation
Bauer, Wilhelm; Edler, Jakob; Lauster, Michael; Martin, Alexander; Morszeck, Thomas; Posselt, Thorsten; Weissenberger-Eibl, Marion A.; Grill, Bernhard; Heuberger, Albert; Riedel, Oliver; Spath, Dieter; Schimpf, Sven; Bantes, René; Herrmann, Florian; Klages, Tina; Kroll, Henning; Pflaum, Alexander; Worms, Diana
2021 Innovation and Covid-19: Food for Thought on the Future of Innovation
Bauer, Wilhelm; Edler, Jakob; Lauster, Michael; Martin, Alexander; Morszeck, Thomas; Posselt, Thorsten; Weissenberger-Eibl, Marion A.; Grill, Bernhard; Heuberger, Albert; Riedel, Oliver; Spath, Dieter; Schimpf, Sven; Bantes, René; Herrmann, Florian; Growitsch, Christian; Klages, Tina; Kroll, Henning; Pflaum, Alexander; Worms, Diana
2018 Comprendre le changement - construire l'avenir
2018 Wandel verstehen - Zukunft gestalten
Bauer, Wilhelm; Lauster, Michael; Morszeck, Thomas; Posselt, Thorsten; Weissenberger-Eibl, Marion A.; Schimpf, Sven; Reimoser, Cornelia; Bantes, René; Braun, Annette; Klages, Tina; Ohlhausen, Peter; Worms, Diana
2018 Understanding change - shaping the future
Bauer, Wilhelm; Lauster, Michael; Morszeck, Thomas; Posselt, Thorsten; Weissenberger-Eibl, Marion A.; Schimpf, Sven; Reimoser, Cornelia; Bantes, René; Braun, Annette; Klages, Tina; Ohlhausen, Peter; Worms, Diana
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