Professional Development and Competence Management Unit

moVET.europe - Evaluating a pilot project to promote European mobility culture

News | Leipzig /

In recent months, 24 vocational school graduates from Catalonia (Spain) and Emilia Romagna (northern Italy) gained work experience in German companies in the electrical, metal, and IT industries. During a six-month internship, these young Southern Europeans were able to strengthen their linguistic, vocational, personal, and intercultural skills. In addition, they obtained certified acknowledgement of the completion of their vocational training in Germany.

The Fraunhofer IMW Professional Development and Competence Management Unit scientifically accompanied and evaluated this European Commission-funded pilot project, named “moVET.europe - Mobility for VET-Learners in Europe.” Led by Unit Head Anzhela Preissler and research fellow Fanny Hösel, the team analyzed the European program's success indicators. After successfully completing their analysis through interviews and online surveys, the unit converted the results into actionable insights for the client, BBQ Berufliche Bildung gGmbH, and discussed future initiatives. This international mobility program is intended to strengthen the international work experience of future specialists from Italy and Spain and to serve as a platform for participating companies to transnationally recruit junior staff.