Through digitization the professional requirements in the health care system are also changing. Here, the main focus is on increased cost efficiency combined with better patient care. In order to meet the new requirements that go hand in hand with this, new skills are needed in the personnel area. Apart from training new staff, it is particularly important to develop the skills of existing personnel. In this way mass unemployment and unwanted career breaks can be counteracted. Most health care organizations and their employees are hardly prepared for these changes. In addition, it is a particular challenge to train such a large number of medical staff at the same time.
Within the EIT Health Programme, an international consortium consisting of researchers from the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, the University of Barcelona and Oxford University Hospitals is developing an innovative blended learning approach. It combines online modules in the basic and application areas as well as attendance workshops. The aim of this innovative teaching-learning concept is to teach not only technical skills, including machine learning and block chain but also new soft skills such as agile working, resilience and self-management. It is particularly aimed at employees in the healthcare sector.
The starting point of the project is an analysis of needs with regard to the topics and competences to be developed. The modules are then created in an iterative development process including lead user feedback which allows for a continuous review of thematic relevance and user-centricity. The addressees are leading and management employees in the health care sector.
EIT Health (Europäische Union)
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