Return on Education II

Project “Return on Education II”


The labor world is facing enormous change. By 2030, up to 375 million workers, or about 14 percent of the global workforce, may need to change job categories as digitization, automation and advances in artificial intelligence have a lasting impact. The types of skills employees need are changing. Therefore, the need for further training will continue to increase, especially against the backdrop of lifelong learning. This makes it all the more important for companies in the field of vocational education to demonstrate the (monetary) benefits of their training measures. The documentation of the value added for their customers represents an instrument for clarifyingwhat customers can gain from it and can sometimes also be used as a base for success-based pricing.


Project description

Within the scope of the project, the impact of training measures in different contexts is to be evaluated in a study. The study will examine the impact of training on process understanding, problem-solving techniques and methods, and collaboration between functions during the transition to Shopfloor Management System.


Our services

Within the scope of the study, defined key figures will be collected from customers of Festo Didactic SE at various locations over a period of 18 months and subsequently analyzed. The return on investment will be determined on the basis of state-of-the-art methods.



Festo Didactic SE


Project duration

1.3.2021 until 31.5.2024

Information on the surveys conducted by Fraunhofer IMW

Information for the surveys by Fraunhofer IMW

As part of the "Return on Education" project, questionnaires are processed by us. In the following, we will inform you about what data is involved and how it is processed.

Information für die Befragungen durch das Fraunhofer IMW

Im Rahmen des Projektes »Return on Education« werden Fragbögen durch uns verarbeitet. Im Folgenden informieren wir Sie darüber, um welche Daten es sich dabei handelt, auf welche Weise sie verarbeitet werden.

Informații pentru anchetele realizate de Fraunhofer IMW

În cadrul proiectului "Return on Education", chestionarele sunt prelucrate de noi. În cele ce urmează, vă informăm cu privire la datele implicate și la modul în care acestea sunt prelucrate.

Informácie o prieskumoch Fraunhofer IMW

V rámci projektu "Návratnosť vzdelávania" spracovávame dotazníky. V nasledujúcom texte vás informujeme o príslušných údajoch a spôsobe ich spracovania.

Informatie voor de onderzoeken door het Fraunhofer IMW

In het kader van het project "Return on Education" worden vragenlijsten door ons verwerkt. Hierna informeren wij u over de betrokken gegevens en de wijze waarop deze worden verwerkt.

Informazioni per le indagini del Fraunhofer IMW

Nell'ambito del progetto "Return on Education", i questionari vengono elaborati da noi. Di seguito vi informiamo sui dati coinvolti e sulle modalità di trattamento.

Información para las encuestas del Fraunhofer IMW

En el marco del proyecto "Return on Education", procesamos los cuestionarios. A continuación, le informamos sobre los datos en cuestión y su tratamiento.

Project sheet

Everything at a glance: You´ll find the project sheet available for download shortly. 

Digital Health Unit

More information on and further projects of the Digital Health Unit.