Prof. Dr. Tobias Dauth

Professional development

Prof. Dr. Tobias Dauth studied Business Administration at the University of Applied Sciences in Pforzheim and at the Kelley School of Business, USA. Following his studies he spent two years at a marketing-oriented management consultancy in Munich (BBDO Consulting, today Batten & Company). In 2008 he moved back into the scientific field and began his PhD at the Chair of International Management and Strategic Management at ESCP Europe in Berlin. He completed his doctorate in 2012 after which he was promoted to a post-doc position at ESCP Europe. In January 2013, Tobias Dauth accepted a professorship at the Rouen Business School in France. During April 2013 he took up an appointment at the Leipzig Graduate School of Management (HHL) and has since then worked there as an assistant professor of International Management. In June 2019 professor Dauth took over the position of Academic Director Executive Education and has started working as a consultant for the Digital Health Unit (until 06/2022: Price and Service Management Unit) at Fraunhofer IMW.


JProf Dr. Tobias Dauth receives Best Paper Award at the 2015 Academy of Management (AoM) and European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conferences

The Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy in Leipzig is pleased to congratulate our colleague, Dr. Tobias Dauth, the recipient of two Best Paper Awards at the 2015 Academy of Management Conference (AoM) in Vancouver, Canada and at the European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference in Warsaw, Poland. Dr. Dauth’s winning paper was titled »The More International the Better? The Link Between International Experience Variety and Career Advancement« and was coauthored by Dr. Dimitrios Georgakakis and Prof. Dr. Winfried Ruigrok, both from University of St. Gallen. The study incorporated data from 170 firms headquartered in four European countries to examine the relationship between business executives’ international experience and the speed of career advancement. Results showed that any relationship between the two variables was moderated both by the firm’s degree of internationalization and the level of industry munificence, suggesting that contextual attributes played an important and contingent role in career advancement.


Publication Type
2022 New Work in der Pflege
Dauth, Tobias; Kilz, Sarah
2022 New Work in der Pflege
Kilz, Sarah; Dauth, Tobias
Journal Article
2018 Neuberufungen von DAX-30-Vorständen und -Aufsichtsräten: Wie reagiert der Aktienmarkt auf den Doktortitel von Top-Managern?
Schmid, Stefan; Altfeld, Frederic; Dauth, Tobias
Journal Article
2018 Frugal innovation approaches to sustainable domestic energy
Busch, Hans-Christian; Dauth, Tobias; Fischer, Luise; Souza, Marcelo
Journal Article
2018 Americanization as a driver of CEO pay in Europe: The moderating role of CEO power
Schmid, Stefan; Altfeld, Frederic; Dauth, Tobias
Journal Article
2017 Changing innovation roles of foreign subsidiaries from the manufacturing industry in china
Zhou, Wenqian; Velamuri, Vivek K.; Dauth, Tobias
Journal Article
2017 Exploring the link between internationalization of top management and accounting quality
Dauth, Tobias; Pronobis, Paul; Schmid, Stefan
Journal Article
2017 Der Doktortitel unter Vorstands- und Aufsichtsratsmitgliedern der DAX-30-Unternehmen. Immer noch weit verbreitet und von hoher Bedeutung?
Schmid, Stefan; Altfeld, Frederic; Dauth, Tobias
Journal Article
2016 Internationalization of top management teams: A comprehensive analysis of Polish stock-listed firms
Dauth, Tobias; Tomczak, Agata
Journal Article
2015 Internationalisation of upper echelons in different institutional contexts: Top managers in Germany and the UK
Schmid, Stefan; Wurster, Dennis J.; Dauth, Tobias
Journal Article
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