Prof. Dr. Dubravko Radić

Dubravko Radić

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Prof. Dr. Dubravko Radić

Senior Expert, Unit Digital Health

Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW
Martin-Luther-Ring 13
04109 Leipzig, Germany

Professional development

Prof. Dr. Dubravko Radić is Senior Expert of the Digital Health Unit. He has held the Chair of Service Management at the University of Leipzig since 2009. Following his studies at the Universities of Bonn and Frankfurt, he gained a doctorate at the Chair of Statistics and Econometrics at the University of Frankfurt. He received the Gerhard Fürst Award from the German Federal Statistical Office for his thesis on the innovation activities of German companies. After periods of research at the Graduate School of Management at the University of California, Davis, and Harvard Business School, he habilitated at the University of Wuppertal in 2009 with a thesis on service pricing. His main areas of research cover the applications of empirical methods to business-management questions, the problems of service management, and service pricing. His work has been published in prestigious magazines. He is board member of the Eastern Europe Institute in Dresden and advises companies on questions related to pricing as a consultant.


Commitment to volunteering

On 1 October 2014, Prof. Dr. Dubravko Radic was made an honorary member of the Eastern Europe Institute (DOI) board of trustees in Dresden. The DOI is a charity that promotes the cultural and political exchange between Germany and various countries in Central and Eastern Europe.

In keeping with the motto of the Year of Science 2013, "Demographische Chance" ('The demographic opportunity'), Leipzig University's price and service management group and the service management faculty decided to forego themselves a Christmas party in order to give their time, rather than money. On 17 December 2013, the staff visited the geriatrics center in Zwenkau to bake biscuits and sing Christmas carols with the patients there. The idea for this volunteering stint emerged during a Fraunhofer MOEZ cooperation with Gerinet Leipzig in the course of a project on "Lokalen Allianzen für Menschen mit Demenz" ('Local alliances for people with dementia').