Dr. Julia Busch-Casler

Julia Busch-Casler

Contact Press / Media

Dr. Julia Busch-Casler

Head of Digital Health Unit

Franhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW
Martin-Luther-Ring 13
04109 Leipzig, Germany

Phone +49 341 231039-249

Fax +49 341 231039-9249


Dr. Julia Busch-Casler is Head of the Digital Health Unit (until 06/2022: Price and Service Management Unit) at Fraunhofer IMW in Leipzig. She studied Business Administration and General Management at Leipzig University, the HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management and the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business in Victoria, Canada. Subsequently, she worked as a project manager and consultant in a digital health company before obtaining her doctorate from the HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management on the topic of Innovation Management in Healthcare. In her research, she focuses on health innovation systems, innovation management in the healthcare system and digital health.


Current projects


The most recent list of publications can be found here.

Publication Type
2024 Data sovereignty requirements for patient-oriented AI-driven clinical research in Germany
Radic, Marija; Busch-Casler, Julia; Vosen, Agnes; Herrmann, Philipp; Appenzeller, Arno; Mucha, Henrik; Philipp, Patrick; Frank, Kevin; Dauth, Stephanie; Köhm, Michaela; Orak, Berna; Spiecker genannt Döhmann, Indra; Böhm, Peter
Journal Article
2023 Trust and Health Information Exchanges: Qualitative Analysis of the Intent to Share Personal Health Information
Busch-Casler, Julia; Radic, Marija
Journal Article
2022 Personal Data Markets: A Narrative Review on Influence Factors of the Price of Personal Data
Busch-Casler, Julia; Radic, Marija
Conference Paper
2021 Employee involvement in innovation activities in hospitals: How perception matters
Busch-Casler, Julia; Haubner, Simone; Pinkwart, Andreas
Journal Article
Diese Liste ist ein Auszug aus der Publikationsplattform Fraunhofer-Publica

This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica

Jahresbericht 2020-2022

The Annual Report 2020-2022: "From strategic foresight to successful transformation" focuses on Socio- and techno-economic research and innovations for companies, networks and regions. In this section you can find the projects and research areas in which Dr. Julia Busch-Casler is involved as a researcher.


Valuable data – Digital value creation in the spotlight

Annual Report 2020-2022

Fraunhofer IMW researchers, including Dr. Julia Busch-Casler, have investigated the potential of data-based value creation, especially for medium-sized companies in Saxony. They also supported several digitization projects in the healthcare industry and, among other things, focused their analyses on the responsible handling of personal, i. e. sensitive, data.

The main topic “Valuable data – Digital value creation in the spotlight“ in the Fraunhofer IMW annual report 2020-2022 provides an insight into our research and current issues.


Annual Report 2020-2022

From strategic foresight to successful transformation

The Fraunhofer IMW Annual Report presents socio- and techno-economic research and innovations for companies, networks and regions