Philipp Herrmann

Philipp Herrmann

Contact Press / Media

Philipp Herrmann

Research Fellow, Digital Health Unit

Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW
Martin-Luther-Ring 13
04109 Leipzig, Germany

Phone +49 341 231039-0

Fax +49 341 231039-190

Areas of Expertise

  • Strategy development
  • Market research
  • Price, product and sales strategies for revenue optimization
  • Change Management



Philipp Herrmann has been working at the Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW in Leipzig as a research fellow in the Digital Health Unit (until 06/2022: Price and Service Management Unit) since May 2020. He studied psychology at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main with a focus on industrial and organizational psychology and economics. In his empirical thesis he examined the influence of a transformational leadership style on the success of organizational change processes. During his studies, he already gained wide practical experience at various DAX30 companies.

After completing his studies, Philipp Herrmann worked for more than three years as a project manager in management consulting with a focus on the optimization of the Commercial Excellence Strategy.

At Fraunhofer IMW, he is working as a project manager on a study on the relevance of standardization for innovation and knowledge transfer.


Publication Type
2024 Value Co-creation in a Digitalised and Dematerialised World: Critical Factors Contributing to Success or Failure of Business Models in Value Networks
Herrmann, Philipp; Hädicke, Tim; Hoge, Friedrich
Journal Article
2024 Data sovereignty requirements for patient-oriented AI-driven clinical research in Germany
Radic, Marija; Busch-Casler, Julia; Vosen, Agnes; Herrmann, Philipp; Appenzeller, Arno; Mucha, Henrik; Philipp, Patrick; Frank, Kevin; Dauth, Stephanie; Köhm, Michaela; Orak, Berna; Spiecker genannt Döhmann, Indra; Böhm, Peter
Journal Article
2023 Resilienz als Erfolgsfaktor für KMU in Krisen. Ein Interview mit Philipp Herrmann
Herrmann, Philipp; Kilz, Sarah
Journal Article
2023 Data Marketplaces: Value Drivers and Pricing Approaches of Data
Radic, Marija; Herrmann, Philipp; Stein, Lisa Theresa; Kleine, Simon
Conference Paper
2022 Development of a Business Model Resilience Framework for Managers and Strategic Decision-makers
Radic, Marija; Herrmann, Philipp; Haberland, Peter; Riese, Carla R.
Journal Article
2022 Faktoren zur Gestaltung von resilienten Geschäftsmodellen – ein Literaturüberblick
Radic, Marija; Haberland, Peter; Vienken, Claudia; Herrmann, Philipp; Riese, Carla Regina
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2022 Linking Data Sovereignty and Data Economy: Arising Areas of Tension
Lauf, Florian; Scheider, Simon; Bartsch, Jan; Herrmann, Philipp; Radic, Marija; Rebbert, Marcel; Nemat, André T.; Schlueter-Langdon, Christoph; Konrad, Ralf; Sunyaev, Ali; Meister, Sven
Conference Paper
2022 Smart Services und Datensouveränität - Herausforderungen und Erfolgsfaktoren
Radic, Marija; Herrmann, Philipp; Heinrich, Julian; Radic, Dubravko
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2021 Data Sovereignty and Data Economy - Two Repulsive Forces?. Position Paper
Lauf, Florian; Scheider, Simon; Meister, Sven; Radic, Marija; Herrmann, Philipp; Schulze, Max; Nemat, André T.; Becker, Sarah J.; Rebbert, Marcel; Abate, Constantin; Konrad, Ralf; Bartsch, Jan; Dehling, Tobias; Sunyaev, Ali
2020 Relevanz der Normung und Standardisierung für den Wissens- und Technologietransfer. Kurzstudie
Herrmann, Philipp; Blind, Knut; Abdelkafi, Nizar; Gruber, Sonia; Hoffmann, Walburga; Neuhäusler, Peter; Pohle, Anna; Stein, Lisa Theresa; Weiße, Marlen
Diese Liste ist ein Auszug aus der Publikationsplattform Fraunhofer-Publica

This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica

Further Conference Contributions


  • Herrmann, P.; Heinrich, J. (2023): Resilienz als neuer Ansatz der UnternehmensführungCOPETRI Convention. Offenbach, 24.5.2023.
  • Herrmann, P. (2023). Key note speech and leadership of the theme table on the topic of “Resilience“. futureSAX-Alumni Dinner. Dresden, 11.1.2023.
  • Hermann, P. (2023). Resilienz als neue Superpower für den Mittelstand. Interview for the Podcast »Digi-News auf die Ohren« of the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum WertNetzWerke. 


Annual Report 2020-2022

The Annual Report 2020-2022: "From strategic foresight to successful transformation" focuses on Socio- and techno-economic research and innovations for companies, networks and regions. In this section you can find the projects and research areas in which Philipp Herrmann is involved as a scientist.


Crisis resistant - Resilience as a success factor

Annual Report 2020-2022

Fraunhofer IMW scientists, including Philipp Herrmann, have investigated which parameters contribute to the resilience of companies and organizations. They have developed practical solutions for more entrepreneurial resilience - and analyzed the potential of the circular economy for resilient value creation.

The main topic "Crisis resistant - Resilience as a success factor" in the Fraunhofer IMW annual report 2020-2022 provides an insight into our research and current issues.


Annual Report 2020-2022

From strategic foresight to successful transformation

The Fraunhofer IMW Annual Report presents socio- and techno-economic research and innovations for companies, networks and regions