Areas of Expertise
- Strategy development
- Market research
- Price, product and sales strategies for revenue optimization
- Change Management
Philipp Herrmann has been working at the Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW in Leipzig as a research fellow in the Digital Health Unit (until 06/2022: Price and Service Management Unit) since May 2020. He studied psychology at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main with a focus on industrial and organizational psychology and economics. In his empirical thesis he examined the influence of a transformational leadership style on the success of organizational change processes. During his studies, he already gained wide practical experience at various DAX30 companies.
After completing his studies, Philipp Herrmann worked for more than three years as a project manager in management consulting with a focus on the optimization of the Commercial Excellence Strategy.
At Fraunhofer IMW, he is working as a project manager on a study on the relevance of standardization for innovation and knowledge transfer.