Lino Markfort

Areas of Expertise

  • Business model innovations (in particular: Digital business models; orchestration of physical and digital offerings).
  • Platform economy (in particular: IoT platforms in B2B)
  • Servitization (in particular: Digital Servitization in the context of digital platforms)
  • Open innovation processes (in particular: design-driven innovation)



Lino Markfort studied business administration at the University of Bayreuth (Bachelor of Science) and at Leipzig University (Master of Science). During his studies he worked for an automotive supplier, a medium-sized online marketing consultancy and a leading software license trading company. From September 2018 to February 2020 he worked as a research assistant in the Digital Project Unit “Data Mining and Value Creation“ at Fraunhofer IMW. Here he was particularly involved in the topics of B2B platforms and digital business models. In cooperation with the Fraunhofer IMW he wrote his master thesis on “IoT platforms in German manufacturing companies“. Since March 2021, Lino Markfort is doing his PhD at the Chair of Innovation Management and Innovation Economics of Prof. Dr. Posselt on the topic “Business Model Innovations To Let Digital Platforms Take Off“.


Publication Type
2022 Patterns of business model innovation for advancing IoT platforms
Markfort, Lino; Arzt, Alexander; Kögler, Philipp; Jung, Sven; Gebauer, Heiko; Haugk, Sebastian; Leyh, Christian; Wortmann, Felix
Journal Article
2021 Providing Language Interfaces with Robotic Process Automation and Text Retrieval for automated integration of applications and unstructured data
Niekler, Andreas; Busse, Mark; Gulde, Matthias; Markfort, Lino; Helfer, Felix
2020 Business Model Patterns of IOT Platforms in the B2B Context
Markfort, Lino; Kögler, Philipp; Arzt, Alexander; Gebauer, Heiko
Conference Paper
2019 So You Want to Be a Platform: Where to Start?
Markfort, Lino; Haugk, Sebastian; Tangour, Cyrine
Conference Paper
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