Dr. Riad Bourayou


Dr. Riad Bourayou received his PhD in the subject of energetics from INSA Lyon in 2002. Afterwards, he worked for several years as a research fellow in Germany and Brazil in the areas of remote sensing, optical systems and biomedical imaging. In 2011 he began working as a freelance scientific consultant and supported research institutes with their innovation projects. He earned an additional Master of Science degree in Technology and Science Policy at the University of Sussex in 2016. As a research manager, the scientist lends his scientific knowledge and practical experience in research management and technology assessment to the economic perspective of Fraunhofer IMW. He is also employed at the Chair of Innovation Management and Economics at the University of Leipzig. 

Dr. Bourayou has conducted research as part of interdisciplinary teams both in Germany (Institute of Optics and Quantum Electronics at the University of Jena, Institute of Experimental Physics at the Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin Neuro-Imaging Center at the Charité Berlin, Cardiological Laboratory at the German Heart Center Berlin) and Brazil (INPE / CPTEC - National Institute for Space Research - São Paulo, CNEN / IPEN – Nuclear and Energy Research Institute - São Paulo).


Publication Type
2020 Wissensintensive Wertschöpfung in Ostdeutschland: Herausforderndes Umfeld für Ansiedlungen, hervorragende Bedingungen für Ausgründungen aus der Wissenschaft
Posselt, Thorsten; Bourayou, Riad
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2020 Europe in the Global Platform Economy
Posselt, Thorsten; Haugk, Sebastian; Bourayou, Riad
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
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