Qualification study hydrogen

Skill Demand in the Central German Hydrogen Industry


In the course of the defossilization of industry and society, hydrogen plays a key role. Many companies directly affected by the energy transition have a need for hydrogen, but do not have sufficient capacity to train employees, nor are there enough educational opportunities.

Project description

The client, the project "Revierwende", plans to conduct interviews with companies that will have a need for hydrogen in the future. The interview guidelines will be prepared by Fraunhofer IMW in consultation with the client.

Our services

  • Creation of an interview guide based on questions about the training of existing personnel
  • training of new employees and the status quo of the company with regard to hydrogen

HYPOS e.V. conducted the study "Vocational Qualifications in the Hydrogen Industry - Research and Cataloging of Job Profiles as well as Competencies for a Proactive Qualification in the Hydrogen Economy in the Five Eastern German Federal States" in 2022 based on company interviews. Based on this, the client "Revierwende" commissioned a similar study specifically for the Central German coalfields.

Using their existing expertise in conducting interviews, the Fraunhofer IMW scientists developed targeted questions regarding training and further education as well as basic qualification requirements for a future hydrogen economy. For this purpose, further education offers regarding hydrogen were screened, training contents of different occupational groups were reviewed and various secondary literature was analyzed. The total amount of information was systematically sorted and focal points were identified. The interview guidelines were drawn up on the basis of the findings.


Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft des Deutschen Gewerkschaftsbundes zur
Förderung von Arbeitnehmerinnen, Arbeitnehmern und der Jugend mbH (GFAAJ mbH) – Project »Revierwende«

Project partner


Project duration

5.12.2022 - 30.9.2023


Center for Economics and Management of Technologies CEM

The Fraunhofer IMW branch office located in Halle (Saale), the Center for Economics and Management of Technologies CEM, complements the portfolio of the Fraunhofer IMW and bundles the competencies of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft in the fields of techno-economic and socio-economic research. With this affiliation, Fraunhofer also takes into account the special social significance of structural change in Central Germany.