Aron Geißler

Aron Geißler

Contact Press / Media

Aron Geißler

Head of Administration

Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW
Martin-Luther-Ring 13
04109 Leipzig, Germany

Phone +49 341 231039-109

Fax +49 341 231039-9109



Since March 1, 2017, MBA holder Aron Geissler has been managing the administration of Fraunhofer IMW. Following the completion of his studies at the University of Leipzig, Mr. Geißler co-founded the Internet portal VIANDO for the mediation of company consulting projects. From 2006 to 2012, he was the sales and project manager for the lighting manufacturer LMW – Leuchten Manufactur Wurzen GmbH, where he was responsible for architects, planners and builders in Germany, Dubai, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia. Mr. Geißler then worked for four years as a sales manager and account manager for smartlux Lichtsteuerung GmbH. While there he supported quality measures for the systematic improvement of products, processes and communication. As a certified quality management officer, he ensures the highest level of customer satisfaction, long-term benefits and the responsible use of resources. Mr. Geißler was a member of the St. Thomas Choir of Leipzig from 1985 - 1994, and later sang in the Leipzig Vocal Ensemble and Monteverdi Choir in Hamburg.