Society, companies and employees are facing new and complex challenges because of demographic changes, the advancing digital transformation and global competition. For small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in particular, digitisation can provide new growth impulses, markets and opportunities. Simultaneously, the increasing digital penetration of structures and processes is changing many organisational structures as well as job descriptions and thus leading to new requirements for their design.
In the ESF support programme “Future Centers - Supporting SMEs, employees and the self-employed in developing and implementing innovative design approaches to mastering the digital transformation”, competencies are bundled in order to support social and economic actors in the transformation process and to proactively help shape it. The “Center for Digital Work” (ZdA) creates a superordinate think tank which bundles scientific expertise. The Regional Centers (RZ) located in the eastern federal states make the knowledge available to the target groups in a demand-oriented way and support them in its implementation. Subsequently, this experience knowledge flows into the development of a knowledge pool, which forms the long-term foundation of the Center for Digital Work's activities.
The operational management of the Center for Digital Work is in the hands of WORK AND LIFE Saxony e. V. Within the central interface, the interdisciplinary work and competences of the other project partners and the RZ are bundled and coordinated to create the think tank as well as the knowledge pool. As a project partner, the Chair of Innovation Management and Innovation Economics at the University of Leipzig, supported by the Qualification and Competence Management unit is investigating individual and organisational prerequisites for increasing innovation competence. This is undertaken with the aim of optimally positioning the actors in the changing digital working world and maintaining their innovative ability in the long term. The work focuses on processes, structures and framework conditions at the individual and organisational level that favor the transformation.
The project is supported by the European Social Fund (ESF), the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) and the Saxon State Ministry of Economics, Labour and Transport (SMWA). The project management agency is the Society for Social Management Consulting (gsub). WORK AND LIFE SAXONY e. V. is responsible for the content of the Center for Digital Work whilst other project partners are:
10/1/2019 - 6/30/2022