Dr. Yuri Campbell

Yuri Campbell

Contact Press / Media

Dr. Yuri Campbell

Deputy Head, Data Science for Innovation Unit

Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy
Martin-Luther-Ring 13
04109 Leipzig, Germany

Phone +49 341 231039-241

Fax +49 341 231039-9241

Areas of expertise

  • Applied Computational Intelligence
  • Statistical Data Analysis
  • Applied Statistical Learning & Cybernetics

Professional Development

Yuri Campbell started working at Fraunhofer IMW in February 2018. Previously, he was a postdoctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences (MPI MIS) in Leipzig where he had completed his Ph.D. in Mathematics with a specialization on Probability & Statistics, magna cum laude, in March 2017. In his doctoral thesis »Large Deviations of Log-Likelihood Ratios and Asymptotic Hypothesis Testing«, he investigated and proved definitive bounds on the efficiency of statistical inference in the context of large data sets. In 2011, he received his Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Sao Paolo with highest honors, while working on algorithmic definitions of statistically optimal predictors of symbolic chaotic time series. He also developed computational intelligence algorithms for a research consortium in Sao Paolo.


Publication Type
2021 How to Find New Industry Partners for Public Research: A Classification Approach
Trela, Karl; Campbell, Yuri; Dornbusch, Friedrich; Pohle, Anna
Journal Article
2020 Too big to see: Exploring proxies of structure in a real large-scale university-industry cooperation network
Campbell, Yuri
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Further Conference Contributions



  • Campbell, Y. (2020). Chair of Panel »New (Big) Data Sources and Methods to Unpack the Geography of Innovation I: Digital Social Data and Machine Learning«. 5th Geography of Innovation Conference, UiS Business School. University of Stavanger. 30.1.2020.
  • Campbell, Y. (2020). Too big to see: exploring proxies of structure in a real large-scale university-industry cooperation network. 5th Geography of Innovation Conference, UiS Business School. University of Stavanger. 30.1.2020.


  • Campbell, Y.; Dornbusch, F.; Prilop, M.; Trela, K. (2018). A ubiquitous indicator for industry-partner selection: Semantic similarity. University-Industry Interaction Conference 2018. London; 22.06.2018.
  • Campbell, Y. (2018). Exploring TF-IDF encoding for comprehensive industry partners’ selection. 8th Global TechMining Conference. Leiden, The Netherlands. 11.9.18.