Future and Value Creation Lab West Saxony: A Regional Catalyst for Data-Based Value Creation
Background: First value creation laboratory in West Saxony
The collaborative project "DataLab WestSax" of the Fraunhofer IMW and the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau works with companies to leverage previously unused data for value creation. It is the first value creation lab in the West Saxony region that offers medium-sized enterprises a protected and cost-neutral environment for experimenting with data-based business models. New forms of value creation based, for example, on inter-company data exchange, the sale of data-based expertise or data-based collaboration on digital platforms can be new business pillars for companies. However, internal barriers slow down the path to data-based value creation, especially for SMEs. Companies often lack concrete data usage and implementation ideas. A lack of resources and a lack of trust are further barriers. As a result, there is often untapped potential for value creation in companies - despite data already existing or accumulating.
Project goal: Test data-based value creation in living labs
Led by Fraunhofer IMW, the DataLab WestSax uses five "living labs" to test digital, data-based solutions. Together with the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau, the research team will discuss experiences in real world experiments with companies in the West Saxon region and summarize them in an overarching "think tank". The think tank bundles existing knowledge and systematically identifies trends and events that may be relevant for data-based value creation in the region in a structured process. It also networks science, business and municipal institutions through suitable interaction formats.
Range of services of the project partners
During the three-year project period, Fraunhofer IMW scientists will provide support, for example, in the development of data value creation strategies or advise on the possibilities of the platform economy. The research team of the West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau supports the medium-sized enterprises, for example, with data-based decision-making systems. Simba n3 GmbH will support prototype development as an IT service provider in the field of data science, digitization and IT solution development.
Start with two initial scenarios
The "DataLab WestSax" will start with five real world experiments involving a total of seven application companies. Initially, the research team will start with the two initial scenarios: "Idea available, data missing" and "Data available, ideas missing". Interested companies that would like to collaborate with the research team from Leipzig and Zwickau in a real world experiment are welcome to contact the project team at kontakt@datalab-westsax.de.
Saxon State Ministry for Regional Development SMR within the framework of the simul+ program
Project partner
West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau
Project duration
1/2022 - 12/2024